Tuesday, July 31, 2012
1207.6668 (E. C. Simpson et al.)
Cooper pair correlations and energetic knock-out reactions [PDF]
E. C. Simpson, J. A. Tostevin1207.6811 (G. S. Denicol et al.)
Solving the heat-flow problem with transient relativistic fluid dynamics [PDF]
G. S. Denicol, H. Niemi, I. Bouras, E. Molnar, Z. Xu, D. H. Rischke, C. Greiner1207.6812 (R. Vogt et al.)
Improving the J/psi Production Baseline at RHIC and the LHC [PDF]
R. Vogt, R. E. Nelson, A. D. Frawley1207.6836 (Rong Xu et al.)
Suppression of high $P_T$ hadron spectra in $p+A$ collisions [PDF]
Rong Xu, Wei-Tian Deng, Xin-Nian Wang1207.6869 (Ilkka Helenius et al.)
Modeling the Impact Parameter Dependence of the nPDFs With EKS98 and
EPS09 Global Fits [PDF]
Ilkka Helenius, Kari J. Eskola, Heli Honkanen, Carlos A. Salgado
1207.6900 (C. Merino et al.)
Production of secondaries in soft p+pb collisions at LHC [PDF]
C. Merino, C. Pajares, Yu. M. Shabelski1207.6917 (Rupa Chatterjee et al.)
Centrality and initial formation time dependence of the emission of
thermal photons from fluctuating initial conditions at RHIC and LHC [PDF]
Rupa Chatterjee, Hannu Holopainen, Thorsten Renk, Kari J. Eskola
1207.6937 (Yu. S. Surovtsev et al.)
Parameters of Scalar Resonances from the Combined Analysis of Data on
Processes $ππ\toππ,K\bar{K},ηη$ AND $J/ψ$ Decays [PDF]
Yu. S. Surovtsev, P. Bydvzovsky, R. Kaminski, V. E. Lyubovitskij, M. Nagy
1207.7039 (Young-Ho Song et al.)
Parity violation in radiative neutron capture on deuteron [PDF]
Young-Ho Song, Rimantas Lazauskas, Vladimir GudkovMonday, July 30, 2012
1110.4650 (Nathan K. Johnson-McDaniel et al.)
Shear modulus of the hadron-quark mixed phase [PDF]
Nathan K. Johnson-McDaniel, Benjamin J. Owen1207.6415 (Qian Wei-Liang et al.)
On the origin of trigger-angle dependence of di-hadron correlations [PDF]
Qian Wei-Liang, Andrade Rone, Gardim Fernando, Grassi Frederique, Hama Yogiro1207.6467 (Bipasha Bhowmick et al.)
Ground states and excited states of hypernuclei in Relativistic Mean
Field approach [PDF]
Bipasha Bhowmick, Abhijit Bhattacharyya, G. Gangopadhyay
1207.6533 (Rafal Maciula et al.)
Production of charm quark/antiquark pairs at LHC [PDF]
Rafal Maciula, Marta Luszczak, Antoni Szczurek1207.6556 (E. Czerwinski et al.)
MesonNet Workshop on Meson Transition Form Factors [PDF]
E. Czerwinski, S. Eidelman, C. Hanhart, B. Kubis, A. Kupsc, S. Leupold, P. Moskal, S. Schadmand1207.6558 (Ben-Wei Zhang et al.)
Probing nuclear matter with jets [PDF]
Ben-Wei Zhang, Yuncun He, R. B. Neufeld, Ivan Vitev, Enke Wang1207.6561 (M. L. L. da Silva et al.)
Glueball-glueball potential in a constituent gluon model [PDF]
M. L. L. da Silva, D. Hadjimichef, C. A. Z. Vasconcellos1207.6587 (Liliana Apolinário et al.)
Background subtraction and jet quenching on jet reconstruction [PDF]
Liliana Apolinário, Néstor Armesto, Letícia CunqueiroFriday, July 27, 2012
1106.3061 (Alessandro Buzzatti et al.)
Jet Flavor Tomography of Quark Gluon Plasmas at RHIC and LHC [PDF]
Alessandro Buzzatti, Miklos Gyulassy1207.6085 (B. Borderie et al.)
The behaviour of constrained caloric curves as ultimate signature of a
phase transition for hot nuclei [PDF]
B. Borderie, S. Piantelli, M. F. Rivet, Ad. R. Raduta, E. Bonnet, R. Bougault, A. Chbihi, E. Galichet, D. Guinet, Ph. Lautesse, N. Le Neindre, O. Lopez, M. Parlog, E. Rosato, R. Roy, G. Spadaccini, E. Vient, M. Vigilante
1207.6148 (Xin-Jian Wen et al.)
Magnetized strange quark matter in a quasiparticle description [PDF]
Xin-Jian Wen, Shou-Zheng Su, Dong-Hong Yang, Guang-Xiong Peng1207.6154 (K. Kaneko et al.)
Coulomb energy difference as a probe of isospin-symmetry breaking in the
upper fp-shell nuclei [PDF]
K. Kaneko, T. Mizusaki, Y. Sun, S. Tazaki, G. de Angelis
1207.6206 (Haozhao Liang et al.)
Localized form of Fock terms in nuclear covariant density functional
theory [PDF]
Haozhao Liang, Pengwei Zhao, Peter Ring, Xavier Roca-Maza, Jie Meng
1207.6211 (Haozhao Liang et al.)
Pseudospin symmetry in supersymmetric quantum mechanics: I.
Schrödinger equations [PDF]
Haozhao Liang, Shihang Shen, Pengwei Zhao, Jie Meng
1207.6225 (J. Okołowicz et al.)
Toward understanding the microscopic origin of nuclear clustering [PDF]
J. Okołowicz, W. Nazarewicz, M. Płoszajczak1207.6227 (Felix Nendzig et al.)
Upsilon Suppression in PbPb Collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 2.76 TeV [PDF]
Felix Nendzig, Georg Wolschin1207.6241 (D. Cabrera et al.)
Relevance of glueball bound states in the Yang-Mills plasma within a
many-body $T$-matrix approach [PDF]
D. Cabrera, G. Lacroix, C. Semay, F. Buisseret
1207.6250 (T. Ichikawa et al.)
Existence of exotic torus configuration in high-spin excited states of
$^{40}$Ca [PDF]
T. Ichikawa, J. A. Maruhn, N. Itagaki, K. Matsuyanagi, P. -G. Reinhard, S. Ohkubo
1207.6264 (Jiguang Li et al.)
Mass- and field-shift isotope parameters for the $2s - 2p$ resonance
doublet of lithium-like ions [PDF]
Jiguang Li, Cédric Nazé, Michel Godefroid, Stephan Fritzsche, Gediminas Gaigalas, Paul Indelicato, Per Jönsson
1207.6314 (M. Baldo et al.)
Comparative study of neutron and nuclear matter with simplified Argonne
nucleon-nucleon potentials [PDF]
M. Baldo, A. Polls, A. Rios, H. -J. Schulze, I. Vidana
Thursday, July 26, 2012
1207.5795 (Maximilian Attems et al.)
Instabilities of an anisotropically expanding non-Abelian plasma: 3D+3V
discretized hard-loop simulations [PDF]
Maximilian Attems, Anton Rebhan, Michael Strickland
1207.5808 (Karl Landsteiner et al.)
Anomalous Transport from Kubo Formulae [PDF]
Karl Landsteiner, Eugenio Megias, Francisco Pena-Benitez1207.5951 (Wojciech Florkowski et al.)
Anisotropic hydrodynamics and the early-thermalization puzzle [PDF]
Wojciech Florkowski, Radoslaw Ryblewski1207.6020 (Alessandro Buzzatti et al.)
An overview of the CUJET model: Jet Flavor Tomography applied at RHIC
and LHC [PDF]
Alessandro Buzzatti, Miklos Gyulassy
1207.6050 (Mariano Bauer et al.)
A shell model mass formula for exotic light nuclei [PDF]
Mariano Bauer, Hugo Garcia Tecocoatzi, Cristian Mojica1207.6064 (P. S. Shternin et al.)
Neutron degeneracy and plasma physics effects on radiative neutron
captures in neutron star crust [PDF]
P. S. Shternin, M. Beard, M. Wiescher, D. G. Yakovlev
1207.6100 (R. J. Furnstahl et al.)
Corrections to nuclear energies and radii in finite oscillator spaces [PDF]
R. J. Furnstahl, G. Hagen, T. PapenbrockWednesday, July 25, 2012
1207.5068 (Kevin Dusling et al.)
Quasiclassical molecular dynamics for the dilute Fermi gas at unitarity [PDF]
Kevin Dusling, Thomas Schaefer1207.5695 (E. C. Simpson et al.)
Microscopic two-nucleon overlaps and knockout reactions from $^{12}$C [PDF]
E. C. Simpson, P. Navrátil, R. Roth, J. A. Tostevin1207.5700 (Valeriy Zagrebaev et al.)
Future of superheavy element research: Which nuclei could be synthesized
within the next few years? [PDF]
Valeriy Zagrebaev, Alexander Karpov, Walter Greiner
1207.5724 (H. Kamano et al.)
Neutrino-induced forward meson-production reactions in nucleon resonance
region [PDF]
H. Kamano, S. X. Nakamura, T. -S. H. Lee, T. Sato
1207.5735 (Michael C. Birse et al.)
Functional renormalisation group for few-nucleon systems: SU(4) symmetry
and its breaking [PDF]
Michael C. Birse, Boris Krippa, Niels R. Walet
1207.5738 (E. E. Kolomeitsev et al.)
Strangeness Balance in HADES Experiments and the Xi- Enhancement [PDF]
E. E. Kolomeitsev, B. Tomasik, D. N. VoskresenskyTuesday, July 24, 2012
1207.5085 (Renli Xu et al.)
Single-Λ Hypernuclei in the Relativistic Mean-Field Theory with
parameter set FSU [PDF]
Renli Xu, Chen Wu, Zhongzhou Ren
1207.5177 (Wei Dai et al.)
Momentum imbalance of isolated photon-tagged jet production at RHIC and
Wei Dai, Ivan Vitev, Ben-Wei Zhang
1207.5186 (Marcus B. Pinto et al.)
The Surface Tension of Quark Matter in a Geometrical Approach [PDF]
Marcus B. Pinto, Volker Koch, Jorgen Randrup1207.5213 (Sang Pyo Kim et al.)
Schwinger Pair Production in Pulsed Electric Fields [PDF]
Sang Pyo Kim, Hyung Won Lee, Remo Ruffini1207.5221 (Xiangdong Ji et al.)
Probing Parton Orbital Angular Momentum in Longitudinally Polarized
Nucleon [PDF]
Xiangdong Ji, Xiaonu Xiong, Feng Yuan
1207.5279 (Akinobu Dote et al.)
Comprehensive application of a coupled-channel complex scaling method to
the KbarN-piY system [PDF]
Akinobu Dote, Takashi Inoue, Takayuki Myo
1207.5292 (W. Horiuchi et al.)
Glauber-model analysis of total reaction cross sections for Ne, Mg, Si,
and S isotopes with Skyrme-Hartree-Fock densities [PDF]
W. Horiuchi, T. Inakura, T. Nakatsukasa, Y. Suzuki
1207.5300 (Lei Chang et al.)
Dressed-quarks and the nucleon's axial charge [PDF]
Lei Chang, Craig D. Roberts, Sebastian M. Schmidt1207.5332 (Yoshitaka Hatta et al.)
Twist analysis of the nucleon spin in QCD [PDF]
Yoshitaka Hatta, Shinsuke Yoshida1207.5350 (Daisuke Jido et al.)
The $K^- d \to πΣn$ reaction revisited [PDF]
Daisuke Jido, Eulogio Oset, Takayasu Sekihara1207.5401 (K. Dusling et al.)
Initial state and thermalization [PDF]
K. Dusling, T. Epelbaum, F. Gelis, R. Venugopalan1207.5429 (F. F. Bellotti et al.)
Trimer States, Scale-invariance, and Effective Dimensionality [PDF]
F. F. Bellotti, T. Frederico, M. T. Yamashita, D. V. Fedorov, A. S. Jensen, N. T. Zinner1207.5445 (Pol Bernard Gossiaux et al.)
Recent results on heavy quark quenching in ultrarelativistic heavy ion
collisions [PDF]
Pol Bernard Gossiaux, Joerg Aichelin, Marcus Bluhm, Thierry Gousset, Marlene Nahrgang, Sascha Vogel, Klaus Werner
1207.5477 (P. C. Srivastava et al.)
Shell model description of odd sulfur isotopes [PDF]
P. C. Srivastava, Jorge G. Hirsch, M. J. Ermamatov, V. K. B. KotaMonday, July 23, 2012
1207.4788 (Ambar Jain et al.)
Fragmentation with a Cut on Thrust: Predictions for B-factories [PDF]
Ambar Jain, Massimiliano Procura, Brian Shotwell, Wouter J. Waalewijn1207.4809 (A. A. Aguilar-Arevalo et al.)
A Combined $ν_μ\to ν_e$ and $\barν_μ\to \barν_e$
Oscillation Analysis of the MiniBooNE Excesses [PDF]
A. A. Aguilar-Arevalo, B. C. Brown, L. Bugel, G. Cheng, E. D. Church, J. M. Conrad, R. Dharmapalan, Z. Djurcic, D. A. Finley, R. Ford, F. G. Garcia, G. T. Garvey, J. Grange, W. Huelsnitz, C. Ignarra, R. Imlay, R. A. Johnson, G. Karagiorgi, T. Katori, T. Kobilarcik, W. C. Louis, C. Mariani, W. Marsh, G. B. Mills, J. Mirabal, C. D. Moore, J. Mousseau, P. Nienaber, B. Osmanov, Z. Pavlovic, D. Perevalov, C. C. Polly, H. Ray, B. P. Roe, A. D. Russell, M. H. Shaevitz, J. Spitz, I. Stancu, R. Tayloe, R. G. Van de Water, D. H. White, D. A. Wickremasinghe, G. P. Zeller, E. D. Zimmerman
1207.4875 (E. Ruiz Arriola et al.)
From Chiral quark dynamics with Polyakov loop to the hadron resonance
gas model [PDF]
E. Ruiz Arriola, E. Megias, L. L. Salcedo
1207.4890 (G. A. Contrera et al.)
Phase diagrams in nonlocal PNJL models constrained by Lattice QCD
results [PDF]
G. A. Contrera, A. G. Grunfeld, D. B. Blaschke
1207.4923 (Maxim Mai et al.)
Pion photoproduction off the proton in a gauge-invariant chiral unitary
framework [PDF]
Maxim Mai, Peter C. Bruns, Ulf-G. Meissner
1207.4925 (Neelam Guleria et al.)
Double-Lambda hypernuclei within a Skyrme-Hartree-Fock approach [PDF]
Neelam Guleria, Shashi K. Dhiman, Radhey ShyamFriday, July 20, 2012
1207.4554 (Noritaka Shimizu et al.)
New Generation of the Monte Carlo Shell Model for the K Computer Era [PDF]
Noritaka Shimizu, Takashi Abe, Yusuke Tsunoda, Yutaka Utsuno, Tooru Yoshida, Takahiro Mizusaki, Michio Honma, Takaharu Otsuka1207.4609 (T. Altinoluk et al.)
Resumming soft and collinear contributions in deeply virtual Compton
scattering [PDF]
T. Altinoluk, B. Pire, L. Szymanowski, S. Wallon
1207.4630 (Irina Balakireva et al.)
Local-Duality QCD Sum Rules for Pseudoscalar-Meson Form Factors [PDF]
Irina Balakireva, Wolfgang Lucha, Dmitri MelikhovThursday, July 19, 2012
1207.4290 (S. J. Freeman et al.)
Constraining the 0ν2β matrix elements by nuclear structure
observables [PDF]
S. J. Freeman, J. P. Schiffer
1207.4338 (Elmar P. Biernat et al.)
Scalar-particle self-energy amplitudes and confinement in Minkowski
space [PDF]
Elmar P. Biernat, Franz Gross, Teresa Peña, Alfred Stadler
1207.4384 (K. P. Santhosh et al.)
Cluster decay half lives of trans-lead nuclei within the Coulomb and
proximity potential model [PDF]
K. P. Santhosh, B. Priyanka, M. S. Unnikrishnan
1207.4392 (G. Ramalho et al.)
The shape of the $Δ$ baryon in a covariant spectator quark model [PDF]
G. Ramalho, M. T. Pena, A. StadlerWednesday, July 18, 2012
1207.3832 (Michael I. Buchoff et al.)
Neutron-antineutron oscillations on the lattice [PDF]
Michael I. Buchoff, Chris Schroeder, Joseph Wasem1207.4006 (A. Pastore et al.)
Nuclear response for the Skyrme effective interaction with zero-range
tensor terms. III. Neutron matter and neutrino propagation [PDF]
A. Pastore, M. Martini, V. Buridon, D. Davesne, K. Bennaceur, J. Meyer
1207.4030 (C. W. Xiao et al.)
A prediction of $D^*$-multi-$ρ$ states [PDF]
C. W. Xiao, M. Bayar, E. OsetTuesday, July 17, 2012
1207.3432 (I. Petermann et al.)
Have Superheavy Elements been Produced in Nature? [PDF]
I. Petermann, K. Langanke, G. Martínez-Pinedo, I. V. Panov, P. -G. Reinhard, F. -K. Thielemann1207.3482 (S. V. Tolokonnikov et al.)
The first quadrupole excitations in spherical nuclei and nuclear pairing [PDF]
S. V. Tolokonnikov, S. Kamerdzhiev, S. Krewald, E. E. Saperstein, D. Voitenkov1207.3507 (J. P. Lansberg et al.)
A Fixed-Target ExpeRiment at the LHC (AFTER@LHC) : luminosities, target
polarisation and a selection of physics studies [PDF]
J. P. Lansberg, V. Chambert, J. P. Didelez, B. Genolini, C. Hadjidakis, P. Rosier, R. Arnaldi, E. Scomparin, S. J. Brodsky, E. G. Ferreiro, F. Fleuret, A. Rakotozafindrabe, U. I. Uggerhøj
1207.3547 (A. G. Alaverdyan et al.)
Energy Release Associated with Quark Phase Transition in Neutron Stars:
Comparative Analysis of Maxwell and Glendenning Scenarios [PDF]
A. G. Alaverdyan, G. B. Alaverdyan, Sh. R. Melikyan
1207.3549 (A. G. Alaverdyan et al.)
Deconfinement Phase Transition in Neutron Stars and δ-Meson Field [PDF]
A. G. Alaverdyan, G. B. Alaverdyan, A. O. Chiladze1207.3562 (J. M. M. Hall et al.)
Baryon resonances and hadronic interactions in a finite volume [PDF]
J. M. M. Hall, A. C. -P. Hsu, D. B. Leinweber, A. W. Thomas, R. D. Young1207.3695 (V. D. Rusov et al.)
On some essential peculiarities of the traveling wave reactor operation [PDF]
V. D. Rusov, V. A. Tarasov, I. V. Sharf, V. M. Vaschenko, E. P. Linnik, T. N. Zelentsova, M. E. Beglaryan, S. A. Chernegenko, S. I. Kosenko, P. A. Molchinikolov, V. P. Smolyar, E. V. Grechan1207.3754 (Larry Zamick et al.)
Isobaric Analog State in ^{96} Ag [PDF]
Larry Zamick, Alberto EscuderosMonday, July 16, 2012
1207.3176 (Piotr Bozek et al.)
Hydrodynamics for relativistic heavy ion collisions [PDF]
Piotr Bozek, Wojciech Broniowski, Iwona Wyskiel-Piekarska1207.3193 (Andry Rakotozafindrabe et al.)
Cold Nuclear Matter effects in Upsilon production in dAu collisions at
Andry Rakotozafindrabe, Elena G. Ferreiro, Frédéric Fleuret, Jean-Philippe Lansberg, Nicolas Matagne
1207.3198 (E. L. Bratkovskaya et al.)
Dilepton production from SIS to LHC energies [PDF]
E. L. Bratkovskaya, O. Linnyk, V. P. Konchakovski, W. Cassing, V. Ozvenchuk, J. Manninen, C. M. Ko1207.3210 (Jouni A. Niskanen et al.)
Binding vs. scattering length: $η$ in light nuclei [PDF]
Jouni A. Niskanen, Hartmut Machner1207.3221 (M. G. A. Buffing et al.)
Generalized Universality of Higher Transverse Moments of Quark TMD
Correlators [PDF]
M. G. A. Buffing, A. Mukherjee, P. J. Mulders
1207.3272 (V. P. Konchakovski et al.)
Collective properties of nucleus-nucleus collisions from AGS to LHC
energies [PDF]
V. P. Konchakovski, V. D. Toneev, W. Cassing, E. L. Bratkovskaya, S. A. Voloshin, V. Voronyuk
Friday, July 13, 2012
1201.1331 (Vadim Kaplunovsky et al.)
Baryonic Popcorn [PDF]
Vadim Kaplunovsky, Dmitry Melnikov, Jacob Sonnenschein1207.2858 (Shailesh K. Singh et al.)
Ground state properties and bubble structure of superheavy nuclei [PDF]
Shailesh K. Singh, Mohammad Ikram, S. K. Patra1207.2903 (Pieter Vancraeyveld et al.)
Kaon photoproduction from the deuteron in a Regge-plus-resonance
approach [PDF]
Pieter Vancraeyveld, Lesley De Cruz, Jan Ryckebusch, Tom Vrancx
1207.2924 (Chirashree Lahiri et al.)
Endpoint of $rp$ process using relativistic mean field approach and a
new mass formula [PDF]
Chirashree Lahiri, G. Gangopadhyay
1207.2937 (Chirashree Lahiri et al.)
Neutron rich nuclei in a new binding energy formula and the
astrophysical $r-$process [PDF]
Chirashree Lahiri, G. Gangopadhyay
1207.3005 (Michael Fromm et al.)
The silver blaze property for QCD with heavy quarks from the lattice [PDF]
Michael Fromm, Jens Langelage, Stefano Lottini, Mathias Neuman, Owe Philipsen1207.3068 (S. Benic et al.)
Restoration of singlet axial symmetry at finite temperature [PDF]
S. Benic, D. Horvatic, D. Kekez, D. KlabucarThursday, July 12, 2012
1207.2301 (B. Pire et al.)
Timelike Compton Scattering from JLAB to RHIC and LHC energies [PDF]
B. Pire, L. Szymanowski, J. Wagner1207.2503 (I. V. Anikin et al.)
Theory and phenomenology of helicity amplitudes for high energy
exclusive leptoproduction of the rho-meson [PDF]
I. V. Anikin, A. Besse, D. Yu. Ivanov, B. Pire, L. Szymanowski, S. Wallon
1207.2527 (A. Arcones et al.)
Neutrino-driven wind simulations and nucleosynthesis of heavy elements [PDF]
A. Arcones, F. -K. Thielemann1207.2640 (Michael Ronniger et al.)
Effects of a spin-flavour dependent interaction on light-flavoured
baryon helicity amplitudes [PDF]
Michael Ronniger, Bernard Ch. Metsch
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
1207.2184 (Andrew W. Steiner et al.)
Core-collapse supernova equations of state based on neutron star
observations [PDF]
Andrew W. Steiner, Matthias Hempel, Tobias Fischer
1207.2193 (Jen-Chieh Peng et al.)
Nucleon sea and the five-quark components [PDF]
Jen-Chieh Peng, Wen-Chen Chang1207.2297 (Y. Lei et al.)
Spherical to deformed shape transition in the nucleon-pair shell model [PDF]
Y. Lei, S. Pittel, G. J. Fu, Y. M. Zhao1207.2337 (M. A. Jafarizadeh et al.)
A Description of Hg (200-204)isotopes in the SU(3)<->SU(3)* Transitional
Region [PDF]
M. A. Jafarizadeh, N. Fouladi, H. Sabri, P. Hosseinnezhade Gavifekr, Z. Ranjbar
1207.2366 (Yunpeng Liu et al.)
B_c meson enhancement and the momentum dependence in Pb+Pb collisions at
LHC energy [PDF]
Yunpeng Liu, Carsten Greiner, Andriy Kostyuk
1207.2395 (Héctor Mauricio Castañeda Cortés et al.)
Nuclear recollisions in laser-assisted $α$ decay [PDF]
Héctor Mauricio Castañeda Cortés, Carsten Müller, Christoph H. Keitel, Adriana Pálffy1207.2444 (Leonard Gamberg et al.)
Bessel-weighted asymmetries and the Sivers effect [PDF]
Leonard Gamberg, Daniel Boer, Bernhard Musch, Alexei ProkudinTuesday, July 10, 2012
1012.4224 (Wei Zhu et al.)
From EMC- and Cronin-effects to signals of quark-gluon plasma [PDF]
Wei Zhu, Jianhong Ruan, Fengyao Hou1207.1767 (A. Afanasev et al.)
Two Photon Exchange for Exclusive Pion Electroproduction [PDF]
A. Afanasev, A. Aleksejevs, S. Barkanova1207.1886 (Roy A. Lacey et al.)
Does quark number scaling breakdown in Pb+Pb collisions at Root_s = 2.76
TeV? [PDF]
Roy A. Lacey, Yi Gu, X. Gong, D. Reynolds, N. N. Ajitanand, J. M. Alexander, A. Mawi, A. Taranenko
Monday, July 9, 2012
1207.1433 (Hrayr H. Matevosyan et al.)
Higher Order Collins Modulations in Transversely Polarized Quark
Fragmentation [PDF]
Hrayr H. Matevosyan, Anthony W. Thomas, Wolfgang Bentz
1207.1499 (T. -G. Lee et al.)
Quark-Hadron Phase-Transition in an Extended NJL Model with
Scalar-Vector Interaction [PDF]
T. -G. Lee, Y. Tsue, J. da Providencia, C. Providencia, M. Yamamura
1207.1509 (J. D. Holt et al.)
Three-body forces and proton-rich nuclei [PDF]
J. D. Holt, J. Menéndez, A. Schwenk1207.1540 (T. Maruyama et al.)
Time-dependent approach to many-particle tunneling in one-dimension [PDF]
T. Maruyama, T. Oishi, K. Hagino, H. Sagawa1207.1554 (Tetsuya Katayama et al.)
EoS for massive neutron stars [PDF]
Tetsuya Katayama, Tsuyoshi Miyatsu, Koichi Saito1207.1679 (X. Roca-Maza et al.)
Electron scattering in isotonic chains as a probe of the proton shell
structure of unstable nuclei [PDF]
X. Roca-Maza, M. Centelles, F. Salvat, X. Viñas
1207.1686 (Wei-Zhou Jiang et al.)
Large-mass neutron stars with hyperonization [PDF]
Wei-Zhou Jiang, Bao-An Li, Lie-Wen ChenFriday, July 6, 2012
1207.1116 (Rudolf Baier et al.)
Production of Prompt Photons: Holographic Duality and Thermalization [PDF]
Rudolf Baier, Stefan A. Stricker, Olli Taanila, Aleksi Vuorinen1207.1160 (Toshiki Maruyama et al.)
Molecular Dynamics for Dense Matter [PDF]
Toshiki Maruyama, Gentaro Watanabe, Satoshi Chiba1207.1218 (Babatunde J. Falaye et al.)
Approximate bound state solutions of the deformed Woods-Saxon potential
using asymptotic iteration method [PDF]
Babatunde J. Falaye, Majid Hamzavi, Sameer M. Ikhdair
1207.1295 (J. Dobaczewski et al.)
Effective theory for low-energy nuclear energy density functionals [PDF]
J. Dobaczewski, K. Bennaceur, F. RaimondiThursday, July 5, 2012
1207.0812 (Hrayr H. Matevosyan et al.)
Effects of Quark Spin Flip on the Collins Fragmentation Function in a
Toy Model [PDF]
Hrayr H. Matevosyan, Anthony W. Thomas, Wolfgang Bentz
1207.0920 (Minoru Biyajima et al.)
Three -Pion Correlations [PDF]
Minoru Biyajima, Takuya Mizoguchi, Naomichi Suzuki1207.1078 (David Edwin Alvarez-Castillo et al.)
Symmetry energy effects in the neutron star properties [PDF]
David Edwin Alvarez-Castillo, Sebastian KubisWednesday, July 4, 2012
1207.0070 (Chen Wu et al.)
Hypernclear in the improved quark mass density- dependent model [PDF]
Chen Wu, Yu-Gang Ma, Wei-Liang Qian, Ru-Keng Su1207.0072 (Chen Wu et al.)
Quark deconfinement phase transition in nuclear matter for improved
quark mass density-dependent model [PDF]
Chen Wu, Wei-Liang Qian, Yu-Gang Ma, Guo-Qiang Zhang, Sanjeev Kumar
1207.0131 (V. Guzey et al.)
Impact of nuclear dependence of R=σ_L/σ_T on antishadowing in
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Chromoelectric oscillations in a dynamically evolving anisotropic
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Microscopic-Macroscopic Approach for Binding Energies with the
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Half-Skyrmions and the Equation of State for Compact-Star Matter [PDF]
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Self-consistent calculations of the electric giant dipole resonances in
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Neutrino-nucleus coherent scattering as a probe of neutron density
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Thermodynamic instabilities in dynamical quark models with complex
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