Friday, March 16, 2012

1108.1151 (Joseph Wasem)

Lattice QCD Calculation of Nuclear Parity Violation    [PDF]

Joseph Wasem

1110.6340 (Axel Maas et al.)

The gluon propagator close to criticality    [PDF]

Axel Maas, Jan M. Pawlowski, Lorenz von Smekal, Daniel Spielmann

1111.6144 (A. S. Parvan)

Caloric curve for nuclear liquid-gas phase transition in relativistic
mean-field hadronic model

A. S. Parvan

1203.2697 (Dam Thanh Son et al.)

Berry Curvature, Triangle Anomalies, and Chiral Magnetic Effect in Fermi

Dam Thanh Son, Naoki Yamamoto

1203.3214 (I. Gonzalez et al.)

Nonmesonic Hyperon Weak Decay Spectra in $^{12}_Λ$C}    [PDF]

I. Gonzalez, A. Deppman, S. Duarte, F. Krmpotić, M. S. Hussein, C. Barbero

1203.3218 (A. R. Samana et al.)

Neutrino and antineutrino cross sections in $^{12}$C    [PDF]

A. R. Samana, F. Krmpotić, N. Paar, C. A. Bertulani

1203.3265 (Jiangyong Jia)

Azimuthal anisotropy in a jet absorption model with fluctuating initial
geometry in heavy ion collisions

Jiangyong Jia

1203.3286 (Denis Lacroix et al.)

Symmetry breaking and fluctuations within stochastic mean-field
dynamics: importance of initial quantum fluctuations

Denis Lacroix, Sakir Ayik, Bulent Yilmaz

1203.3320 (Hidekatsu Nemura et al.)

Baryon-baryon interaction of strangeness S=-1 sector    [PDF]

Hidekatsu Nemura, for HAL QCD Collaboration

1203.3330 (A. P. Jerusalimov)

Analysis of the Reaction: $np \rightarrow np π^+ π^-$ from the Point
of View of Oper-Model

A. P. Jerusalimov

1203.3335 (D. Meloni et al.)

Revisiting the T2K data using different models for the neutrino-nucleus
cross sections

D. Meloni, M. Martini

1203.3355 (Ruirui Xu et al.)

Relativistic nucleon optical potentials with isospin dependence in Dirac
Brueckner Hartree-Fock approach

Ruirui Xu, Zhongyu Ma, E. N. E. van Dalen, H. Muther

1203.3410 (Jiangyong Jia et al.)

A study of the anisotropy associated with dipole asymmetry in heavy ion

Jiangyong Jia, Sooraj K. Radhakrishnan, Soumya Mohapatra