Wednesday, August 1, 2012

1111.6961 (Yusuke Nishida)

Impossibility of the Efimov effect for p-wave interactions    [PDF]

Yusuke Nishida

1207.7094 (Eduardo S. Fraga et al.)

Large Nc Deconfinement Transition in the Presence of a Magnetic Field    [PDF]

Eduardo S. Fraga, Jorge Noronha, Leticia F. Palhares

1207.7099 (Gustav R. Jansen)

Spherical coupled-cluster theory for open-shell nuclei    [PDF]

Gustav R. Jansen

1207.7158 (W. A. Horowitz)

Weakness or Strength in the Golden Years of RHIC and LHC?    [PDF]

W. A. Horowitz

1207.7163 (B. Eakins et al.)

Heavy Diquark Symmetry Constraints for Strong Decays    [PDF]

B. Eakins, W. Roberts

1207.7191 (E. Garrido et al.)

Three-body properties of low-lying $^{12}$Be resonances    [PDF]

E. Garrido, A. S. Jensen, D. V. Fedorov, J. G. Johansen

1207.7202 (T. Lappi)

Multigluon correlations in JIMWLK    [PDF]

T. Lappi

1207.7277 (J. -P. Ebran et al.)

Clustering in the nuclear Fermi liquid    [PDF]

J. -P. Ebran, E. Khan, T. Niksic, D. Vretenar

1207.7287 (E. Megias et al.)

The hadron resonance gas model: thermodynamics of QCD and Polyakov loop    [PDF]

E. Megias, E. Ruiz Arriola, L. L. Salcedo

1207.7302 (Berndt Müller)

No Pain, No Gain: Hard Probes of the Quark-Gluon Plasma Coming of Age    [PDF]

Berndt Müller

1207.7327 (Adam Bzdak et al.)

Charge-Dependent Correlations in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions and
the Chiral Magnetic Effect

Adam Bzdak, Volker Koch, Jinfeng Liao

1207.7331 (Hannu Holopainen et al.)

Dynamical freeze-out in event-by-event hydrodynamics    [PDF]

Hannu Holopainen, Pasi Huovinen