Tuesday, July 30, 2013

1305.2301 (H. Kamada et al.)

Core-excitation three-cluster model description of ^8He and ^10He    [PDF]

H. Kamada, M. Yamaguchi, E. Uzu

1307.7294 (P. Descouvemont et al.)

Toward a microscopic description of reactions involving exotic nuclei    [PDF]

P. Descouvemont, M. S. Hussein

1307.7298 (Eduardo L. Coelho et al.)

Strong magnetic fields, nuclear matter, and anomalous magnetic moments    [PDF]

Eduardo L. Coelho, Marcelo Chiapparini, Mirian E. Bracco

1307.7418 (Efrain J. Ferrer)

BEC-BCS Crossover and the EoS of Strongly Interacting Systems    [PDF]

Efrain J. Ferrer

1307.7423 (Koji Hashimoto et al.)

Vacuum Instability in Electric Fields via AdS/CFT: Euler-Heisenberg
Lagrangian and Planckian Thermalization

Koji Hashimoto, Takashi Oka

1307.7450 (R. O. Gomes et al.)

Hyperon Stars in Strong Magnetic Fields    [PDF]

R. O. Gomes, V. Dexheimer, C. A. Z. Vasconcellos

1307.7468 (Vivian de la Incera)

Magnetic Field Effects in Fermion Pairings    [PDF]

Vivian de la Incera

1307.7523 (E. Megias et al.)

Constituent Quarks and Gluons, Polyakov loop and the Hadron Resonance
Gas Model

E. Megias, E. Ruiz Arriola, L. L. Salcedo

1307.7568 (A. Beraudo et al.)

Heavy flavour in nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC and LHC: a Langevin

A. Beraudo, A. De Pace, M. Monteno, F. Prino, W. M. Alberico, A. Molinari, M. Nardi

1307.7592 (Eugenio Megias et al.)

Fluid/Gravity Correspondence, Second Order Transport and Gravitational

Eugenio Megias, Francisco Pena-Benitez

1307.7593 (M. Brenna et al.)

A microscopic model beyond mean-field: from giant resonances properties
to the fit of new effective interactions

M. Brenna, G. Colò, X. Roca-Maza, P. F. Bortignon, K. Moghrabi, M. Grasso

1307.7611 (Stefan Floerchinger et al.)

Characterization of initial fluctuations for the hydrodynamical
description of heavy ion collisions

Stefan Floerchinger, Urs Achim Wiedemann

1307.7654 (Jun Hong et al.)

Subthreshold pion production within a transport description of central
Au+Au collisions

Jun Hong, P. Danielewicz

1307.7668 (Taiza A. S. do Carmo et al.)

Deconfinement transition in protoneutron star cores: Analysis within the
MIT Bag model

Taiza A. S. do Carmo, Germán Lugones

1307.7677 (Joshua Vredevoogd)

Relativistic Viscous Hydrodynamics for High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions    [PDF]

Joshua Vredevoogd