Tuesday, August 14, 2012

1208.2279 (F. Huang et al.)

Combined analysis of η' production reactions: γN -> η'N, NN
-> NNη', and πN -> η'N

F. Huang, H. Haberzettl, K. Nakayama

1208.2289 (Charles Gale)

Electromagnetic radiation in heavy ion collisions: Progress and puzzles    [PDF]

Charles Gale

1208.2308 (Gang Shen)

Response function of strongly interacting Fermi gas in a virial

Gang Shen

1208.2339 (L. Grigoryan)

Study of the multiplicity of hadrons on nuclei    [PDF]

L. Grigoryan

1208.2341 (X. D. Xu et al.)

Revisiting the temperature and neutron density conditions for r-process
nucleosynthesis with augmented nuclear mass models

X. D. Xu, B. Sun, Z. M. Niu, Z. Li, Y. -Z. Qian, J. Meng

1208.2426 (Masayuki Asakawa et al.)

Center domains and their phenomenological consequences    [PDF]

Masayuki Asakawa, Steffen A. Bass, Berndt Müller

1208.2472 (V. Soma et al.)

Ab-initio Gorkov-Green's function calculations of open-shell nuclei    [PDF]

V. Soma, C. Barbieri, T. Duguet

1208.2499 (Ritam Mallick et al.)

Phase transitions of Neutron stars and its connection with high
energetic bursts in astrophysics

Ritam Mallick, P. K. Sahu

1208.2519 (V. D. Toneev et al.)

Event-by-event background in estimates of the chiral magnetic effect    [PDF]

V. D. Toneev, V. P. Konchakovski, V. Voronyuk, E. L. Bratkovskaya, W. Cassing

1208.2520 (I. A. Egorova et al.)

Democratic decay of 6Be exposed by correlations    [PDF]

I. A. Egorova, R. J. Charity, L. V. Grigorenko, Z. Chajecki, D. Coupland, J. M. Elson, T. K. Ghosh, M. E. Howard, H. Iwasaki, M. Kilburn, Jenny Lee, W. G. Lynch, J. Manfredi, S. T. Marley, A. Sanetullaev, R. Shane, D. V. Shetty, L. G. Sobotka, M. B. Tsang, J. Winkelbauer, A. H. Wuosmaa, M. Youngs, M. V. Zhukov

1208.2533 (T. S. Biró et al.)

Thermodynamic Derivation of the Tsallis and Rényi Entropy Formulas and
the Temperature of Quark-Gluon Plasma

T. S. Biró, G. G. Barnaföldi, P. Ván

1208.2537 (Y. Burnier et al.)

From the chiral magnetic wave to the charge dependence of elliptic flow    [PDF]

Y. Burnier, D. E. Kharzeev, J. Liao, H. -U. Yee

1208.2568 (I. V. Danilkin et al.)

Chiral dynamics with vector fields: an application to $ππ$ and $π
K$ scattering

I. V. Danilkin, M. F. M. Lutz

1208.2602 (Jorge Casalderrey-Solana)

Dynamical Quarkonia Suppression in a QGP-Brick    [PDF]

Jorge Casalderrey-Solana

1208.2626 (Michael Strickland)

Highly anisotropic dissipative hydrodynamics    [PDF]

Michael Strickland

1208.2657 (Ch. Zeoli et al.)

Infinite-cutoff renormalization of the chiral nucleon-nucleon
interaction at N3LO

Ch. Zeoli, R. Machleidt, D. R. Entem

1208.2667 (D. C. McGlinchey et al.)

Impact parameter dependence of the nuclear modification of J/psi
production in d+Au collisions at sqrt(S_NN) = 200 GeV

D. C. McGlinchey, A. D. Frawley, R. Vogt

1208.2672 (Mariano Chernicoff et al.)

Quarkonium dissociation by anisotropy    [PDF]

Mariano Chernicoff, Daniel Fernandez, David Mateos, Diego Trancanelli

1208.2682 (S. Yeager et al.)

Systematics of quadrupole moments and energies    [PDF]

S. Yeager, L. Zamick, Y. Y. Sharon, S. J. Q. Robinson