Monday, March 18, 2013

1303.3581 (Tarik Siddik)

Study of some steller iron group fusion materials for (n,p) reactions    [PDF]

Tarik Siddik

1303.3659 (Ning Wang et al.)

Nuclear symmetry energy from the Fermi-energy difference in nuclei    [PDF]

Ning Wang, Li Ou, Min Liu

1303.3686 (Marcus Bleicher et al.)

Fluid dynamics near the QCD critical point    [PDF]

Marcus Bleicher, Christoph Herold

1303.3742 (Rainer Stiele et al.)

QCD thermodynamics of effective models with an improved Polyakov-loop

Rainer Stiele, Lisa M. Haas, Jens Braun, Jan M. Pawlowski, Juergen Schaffner-Bielich

1303.3804 (Matteo Rinaldi et al.)

Generalized parton distributions of 3He and the neutron orbital

Matteo Rinaldi, Sergio Scopetta

1303.3854 (J. Martin Camalich)

Applications of baryon chiral perturbation theory. A topical example:
The nucleon sigma terms

J. Martin Camalich

1303.3874 (A. B. Balantekin et al.)

Neutrinos in Cosmology and Astrophysics    [PDF]

A. B. Balantekin, G. M. Fuller