Wednesday, July 17, 2013

1307.4098 (Magdalena Djordjevic et al.)

LHC jet suppression of light and heavy flavor observables    [PDF]

Magdalena Djordjevic, Marko Djordjevic

1307.4130 (Pawel Danielewicz et al.)

Symmetry Energy II: Isobaric Analog States    [PDF]

Pawel Danielewicz, Jenny Lee

1307.4131 (A. V. Afanasjev et al.)

Pairing and rotational properties of actinides and superheavy nuclei in
covariant density functional theory

A. V. Afanasjev, O. Abdurazakov

1307.4154 (J. N. Hu et al.)

Extended quark mean-field model for neutron stars: Toward a broken
flavor SU(3) symmetry

J. N. Hu, A. Li, H. Toki, W. Zuo

1307.4166 (D. L. Whittenbury et al.)

Quark-Meson Coupling Model, Nuclear Matter Constraints and Neutron Star

D. L. Whittenbury, J. D. Carroll, A. W. Thomas, K. Tsushima, J. R. Stone

1307.4193 (Z. Kargar et al.)

Statistical pairing fluctuation and phase transition in $^{94}Mo$    [PDF]

Z. Kargar, V. Dehghani

1307.4202 (Ad. R. Raduta et al.)

Clusterized nuclear matter in the (proto-)neutron star crust and the
symmetry energy

Ad. R. Raduta, F. Aymard, F. Gulminelli

1307.4210 (W. Reisdorf)

Heavy ion collisions in the 1A GeV regime: how well do we join up to

W. Reisdorf

1307.4223 (M. Kortelainen et al.)

Neutron skin uncertainties of Skyrme energy density functionals    [PDF]

M. Kortelainen, J. Erler, W. Nazarewicz, N. Birge, Y. Gao, E. Olsen

1307.4309 (R. González-Jiménez et al.)

Relativistic description of final-state interactions in neutral-current
neutrino and antineutrino cross sections

R. González-Jiménez, J. A. Caballero, Andrea Meucci, Carlotta Giusti, M. B. Barbaro, M. V. Ivanov, J. M. Udías

1307.4323 (C. Lorcé)

The proton spin decomposition : path dependence and gauge symmetry    [PDF]

C. Lorcé

1307.4379 (K. Werner et al.)

Evidence for flow in pPb collisions at 5 TeV from v2 mass splitting    [PDF]

K. Werner, M. Bleicher, B. Guiot, Iu. Karpenko, T. Pierog