Thursday, June 13, 2013

1306.2645 (I. C. Cloët et al.)

Pion distribution amplitude from lattice-QCD    [PDF]

I. C. Cloët, L. Chang, C. D. Roberts, S. M. Schmidt, P. C. Tandy

1306.2706 (D. Y. Pang et al.)

Rapid convergence of the Weinberg expansion of the deuteron stripping

D. Y. Pang, N. K. Timofeyuk, R. C. Johnson, J. A. Tostevin

1306.2722 (Dong Wang et al.)

$ρ- ω$ Mixing in $J/ψ\to VP$ Decays    [PDF]

Dong Wang, Yong Ban, Gang Li

1306.2794 (T. Altinoluk et al.)

QCD Reggeon Calculus From KLWMIJ/JIMWLK Evolution: Vertices,
Reggeization and All

T. Altinoluk, C. Contreras, A. Kovner, E. Levin, M. Lublinsky, A. Shulkin

1306.2798 (Thomas Lang et al.)

Correlated D-meson decays competing against thermal QGP dilepton

Thomas Lang, Hendrik van Hees, Jan Steinheimer, Marcus Bleicher

1306.2807 (Lianrong Dai et al.)

Tests on the molecular structure \\of $f_2(1270)$, $f'_2(1525)$ from
$ψ(nS)$ and $Υ(nS)$ decays

Lianrong Dai, Eulogio Oset

1306.2847 (P. Van Isacker)

Correlations between charge radii, E0 transitions, and M1 strength    [PDF]

P. Van Isacker

1306.2880 (M. B. Barbaro et al.)

Scaling properties of the pairing problem in the strong coupling limit    [PDF]

M. B. Barbaro, R. Cenni, A. Molinari, M. R. Quaglia

1306.2909 (N. G. Kelkar et al.)

Interaction of eta mesons with nuclei    [PDF]

N. G. Kelkar, K. P. Khemchandani, N. J. Upadhyay, B. K. Jain

1306.2929 (Kazem Bitaghsir Fadafan et al.)

The Imaginary Part of the Static Potential in Strongly Coupled
Anisotropic Plasma

Kazem Bitaghsir Fadafan, Dimitrios Giataganas, Hesam Soltanpanahi