Tuesday, July 24, 2012

1207.5056 (Chong Qi et al.)

The structure of tin isotopes with a global optimized effective

Chong Qi, Z. X. Xu

1207.5081 (Igor A. Shovkovy)

Magnetic Catalysis: A Review    [PDF]

Igor A. Shovkovy

1207.5085 (Renli Xu et al.)

Single-Λ Hypernuclei in the Relativistic Mean-Field Theory with
parameter set FSU

Renli Xu, Chen Wu, Zhongzhou Ren

1207.5177 (Wei Dai et al.)

Momentum imbalance of isolated photon-tagged jet production at RHIC and

Wei Dai, Ivan Vitev, Ben-Wei Zhang

1207.5186 (Marcus B. Pinto et al.)

The Surface Tension of Quark Matter in a Geometrical Approach    [PDF]

Marcus B. Pinto, Volker Koch, Jorgen Randrup

1207.5187 (Heng-Tong Ding)

In-medium hadron properties from lattice QCD    [PDF]

Heng-Tong Ding

1207.5213 (Sang Pyo Kim et al.)

Schwinger Pair Production in Pulsed Electric Fields    [PDF]

Sang Pyo Kim, Hyung Won Lee, Remo Ruffini

1207.5221 (Xiangdong Ji et al.)

Probing Parton Orbital Angular Momentum in Longitudinally Polarized

Xiangdong Ji, Xiaonu Xiong, Feng Yuan

1207.5273 (V. P. Goncalves et al.)

Quarkonium+$γ$ production in coherent hadron - hadron interactions
at LHC energies

V. P. Goncalves, M. M. Machado

1207.5279 (Akinobu Dote et al.)

Comprehensive application of a coupled-channel complex scaling method to
the KbarN-piY system

Akinobu Dote, Takashi Inoue, Takayuki Myo

1207.5292 (W. Horiuchi et al.)

Glauber-model analysis of total reaction cross sections for Ne, Mg, Si,
and S isotopes with Skyrme-Hartree-Fock densities

W. Horiuchi, T. Inakura, T. Nakatsukasa, Y. Suzuki

1207.5300 (Lei Chang et al.)

Dressed-quarks and the nucleon's axial charge    [PDF]

Lei Chang, Craig D. Roberts, Sebastian M. Schmidt

1207.5327 (Michael Strickland)

Thermal Bottomonium Suppression    [PDF]

Michael Strickland

1207.5332 (Yoshitaka Hatta et al.)

Twist analysis of the nucleon spin in QCD    [PDF]

Yoshitaka Hatta, Shinsuke Yoshida

1207.5350 (Daisuke Jido et al.)

The $K^- d \to πΣn$ reaction revisited    [PDF]

Daisuke Jido, Eulogio Oset, Takayasu Sekihara

1207.5361 (F. Wunderlich et al.)

Iterative Fluiddynamics    [PDF]

F. Wunderlich, B. Kämpfer

1207.5388 (Ram Brustein et al.)

Universal stress-tensor correlation functions of strongly coupled
conformal fluids

Ram Brustein, A. J. M. Medved

1207.5400 (Rafel Escribano)

A first prediction of the electromagnetic rare decays
$η^\prime\toπ^0γγ$ and $η^\prime\toηγγ$

Rafel Escribano

1207.5401 (K. Dusling et al.)

Initial state and thermalization    [PDF]

K. Dusling, T. Epelbaum, F. Gelis, R. Venugopalan

1207.5429 (F. F. Bellotti et al.)

Trimer States, Scale-invariance, and Effective Dimensionality    [PDF]

F. F. Bellotti, T. Frederico, M. T. Yamashita, D. V. Fedorov, A. S. Jensen, N. T. Zinner

1207.5445 (Pol Bernard Gossiaux et al.)

Recent results on heavy quark quenching in ultrarelativistic heavy ion

Pol Bernard Gossiaux, Joerg Aichelin, Marcus Bluhm, Thierry Gousset, Marlene Nahrgang, Sascha Vogel, Klaus Werner

1207.5477 (P. C. Srivastava et al.)

Shell model description of odd sulfur isotopes    [PDF]

P. C. Srivastava, Jorge G. Hirsch, M. J. Ermamatov, V. K. B. Kota

1207.5486 (Alexander Rothkopf)

Heavy Quarkonium in the Quark Gluon Plasma from Effective Field Theories
and Potentials

Alexander Rothkopf