Wednesday, May 22, 2013

1101.0453 (W. L. Wang et al.)

Sigma_c Dbar and Lambda_c Dbar states in a chiral quark model    [PDF]

W. L. Wang, F. Huang, Z. Y. Zhang, B. S. Zou

1305.4329 (Hong Mao)

On the symmetry improved CJT formalism in the linear sigma model    [PDF]

Hong Mao

1305.4636 (Jorge S. Diaz et al.)

Relativity violations and beta decay    [PDF]

Jorge S. Diaz, Alan Kostelecky, Ralf Lehnert

1305.4659 (Omar Benhar et al.)

Superfuidity in neutron-star matter    [PDF]

Omar Benhar, Giulia De Rosi, Giovanni Salvi

1305.4673 (Wei-Liang Qian et al.)

Decomposition of fluctuating initial conditions and flow harmonics    [PDF]

Wei-Liang Qian, Philipe Mota, Rone Andrade, Fernando Gardim, Frederique Grassi, Yogiro Hama, Takeshi Kodama

1305.4688 (Thomas Schaefer et al.)

Bulk viscosity and conformal symmetry breaking in the dilute Fermi gas
near unitarity

Thomas Schaefer, Kevin Dusling

1305.4690 (J. M. Yao et al.)

Does a proton "bubble" structure exist in the low-lying states of 34Si?    [PDF]

J. M. Yao, H. Mei, Z. P. Li

1305.4694 (Chun-peng Chang et al.)

Glauber gluons in pion-induced Drell-Yan processes    [PDF]

Chun-peng Chang, Hsiang-nan Li

1305.4727 (Marta Luszczak et al.)

Diffractive dissociation of gluons into heavy quark-antiquark pairs in
proton-proton collisions

Marta Luszczak, Wolfgang Schafer, Antoni Szczurek

1305.4730 (Yongjia Wang et al.)

Collective flows of light particles in the Au+Au collision at
intermediate energies

Yongjia Wang, Chenchen Guo, Qingfeng Li, Hongfei Zhang, Zhuxia Li, W. Trautmann

1305.4903 (Raul A. Briceno et al.)

Two-Nucleon Systems in a Finite Volume: (I) Quantization Conditions    [PDF]

Raul A. Briceno, Zohreh Davoudi, Thomas C. Luu

1305.4919 (Jorge Casalderrey-Solana et al.)

From full stopping to transparency in a holographic model of heavy ion

Jorge Casalderrey-Solana, Michal P. Heller, David Mateos, Wilke van der Schee