Friday, July 12, 2013

1307.2956 (A. LI)

Dark matter effect on the mass measurement of neutron stars    [PDF]


1307.2970 (Ikuko Hamamoto)

Possible Presence and Properties of Multi Chiral Pair-Bands in Odd-Odd
Nuclei with the Same Intrinsic Configuration

Ikuko Hamamoto

1307.2978 (Masakiyo Kitazawa et al.)

Nonequilibrium time evolution of higher order cumulants of conserved
charges and event-by-event analysis

Masakiyo Kitazawa, Masayuki Asakawa, Hirosato Ono

1307.3007 (G. Lévai)

Semimicroscopic algebraic description of $α$-clustering in

G. Lévai

1307.3027 (Surasree Mazumder et al.)

A random walk with heavy flavours    [PDF]

Surasree Mazumder, Trambak Bhattacharyya, Santosh K. Das

1307.3055 (S. Plumari et al.)

Quark matter in Neutron Stars within the Field Correlator Method    [PDF]

S. Plumari, G. F. Burgio, V. Greco, D. Zappala

1307.3145 (Peng Yin et al.)

Three-body force effect on neutrino emissivities of neutron stars within
the framework of the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approach

Peng Yin, Wei Zuo