Monday, September 10, 2012

1201.1006 (Feryal Ozel et al.)

On the Mass Distribution and Birth Masses of Neutron Stars    [PDF]

Feryal Ozel, Dimitrios Psaltis, Ramesh Narayan, Antonio Santos Villarreal

1209.1463 (Keisuke Ohtani et al.)

Parity projection of QCD sum rules for the nucleon    [PDF]

Keisuke Ohtani, Philipp Gubler, Makoto Oka

1209.1464 (K. Tsushima et al.)

Production of $Ξ^-$-hypernuclei via the ($K^-,K^+$) reaction in a
quark-meson coupling model

K. Tsushima, R. Shyam, A. W. Thomas

1209.1488 (V. de la Mota et al.)

A dynamical description of neutron star crusts    [PDF]

V. de la Mota, F. Sébille, Ph. Eudes

1209.1537 (Lothar Tiator)

Electromagnetic properties of baryon resonances    [PDF]

Lothar Tiator

1209.1542 (M. Colonna et al.)

Reaction mechanisms in transport theories: a test of the nuclear
effective interaction

M. Colonna, V. Baran, M. Di Toro, B. Frecus, Y. X. Zhang

1209.1546 (Kari J. Eskola)

Global analysis of nuclear PDFs - latest developments    [PDF]

Kari J. Eskola

1209.1604 (Paul Romatschke et al.)

Comment on "Hydrodynamic fluctuations and the minimum shear viscosity of
the dilute Fermi gas at unitarity"

Paul Romatschke, Ryan Edward Young

1209.1614 (Giovanni Antonio Chirilli)

High-Energy QCD factorization from DIS to pA collisions    [PDF]

Giovanni Antonio Chirilli