Thursday, June 28, 2012

1112.5537 (J. -F. Yang)

$NN$ scattering in $^3S_1-^3D_1$ channels of EFT ($\notπ$)    [PDF]

J. -F. Yang

1206.3581 (Sera Cremonini et al.)

On the Temperature Dependence of the Shear Viscosity and Holography    [PDF]

Sera Cremonini, Umut Gursoy, Phillip Szepietowski

1206.6101 (Yudai Suwa et al.)

On the Importance of the Equation of State for the Neutrino-Driven
Supernova Explosion Mechanism

Yudai Suwa, Tomoya Takiwaki, Kei Kotake, Tobias Fischer, Matthias Liebendoerfer, Katsuhiko Sato

1206.6113 (T. Rauscher et al.)

Astrophysical analysis of the measurement of (alpha,gamma) and (alpha,n)
cross sections of 169Tm

T. Rauscher, G. G. Kiss, T. Scücs, Zs. Fülöp, C. Fröhlich, Gy. Gyürky, Z. Halász, Zs. Kertész, E. Somorjai

1206.6123 (Tseh Liou)

Color-neutral particle production in nucleus-nucleus collisions in the
quasi-classical approximation

Tseh Liou

1206.6280 (Michelle Pine et al.)

Effective Field Theory for Bound State Reflection    [PDF]

Michelle Pine, Dean Lee

1206.6324 (Xilin Zhang et al.)

Incoherent Neutrinoproduction of Photons and Pions in a Chiral Effective
Field Theory for Nuclei

Xilin Zhang, Brian D. Serot

1206.6335 (Cem Özen et al.)

Nuclear Level Density of ${}^{161}$Dy in the Shell Model Monte Carlo

Cem Özen, Yoram Alhassid, Hitoshi Nakada