Friday, September 7, 2012

1209.0478 (Amir H. Rezaeian)

Semi-inclusive photon-hadron production in pp and pA collisions at RHIC
and LHC

Amir H. Rezaeian

1209.1141 (Kyong Chol Han et al.)

Jet Fragmentation via Recombination of Parton Showers    [PDF]

Kyong Chol Han, Rainer J Fries, Che Ming Ko

1209.1149 (Marcus Bluhm et al.)

Radiative energy loss in the absorptive QGP: taming the long formation
lengths in coherent emission

Marcus Bluhm, Pol Bernard Gossiaux, Thierry Gousset, Joerg Aichelin

1209.1163 (Zhen Pan et al.)

Vertical Structure of Neutrino Dominated Accretion Disks and Neutrino
Transport in the disks

Zhen Pan, Ye-Fei Yuan

1209.1241 (Jose R. Pelaez et al.)

Precise dispersive determination of the f0(600) and f0(980) resonances    [PDF]

Jose R. Pelaez, R. Garcia Martin, R. Kaminski, J. Ruiz de Elvira

1209.1292 (F. Akram et al.)

Vacuum Polarization and Dynamical Chiral Symmetry Breaking: Phase
Diagram of QED with Four-Fermion Contact Interaction

F. Akram, A. Bashir, L. X. Gutierrez-Guerrero, B. Masud, J. Rodriguez-Quintero, C. Calcaneo-Roldan, M. E. Tejeda-Yeomans

1209.1305 (Joachim Langhammer et al.)

Spectra of Open-Shell Nuclei with Padé-Resummed Degenerate
Perturbation Theory

Joachim Langhammer, Robert Roth, Christina Stumpf

1209.1306 (Yuhei Iwata et al.)

Chiral multicritical points driven by isospin density in the
Ginzburg-Landau approach

Yuhei Iwata, Hiroaki Abuki, Katsuhiko Suzuki

1209.1315 (R. Rosenfelder)

Path Integrals in Quantum Physics    [PDF]

R. Rosenfelder