Friday, February 3, 2012

1110.6672 (Minoru Okamoto et al.)

Three dimensional structure of low-density nuclear matter    [PDF]

Minoru Okamoto, Toshiki Maruyama, Kazuhiro Yabana, Toshitaka Tatsumi

1202.0070 (Lulu Li et al.)

Deformed relativistic Hartree Bogoliubov theory in continuum    [PDF]

Lulu Li, Jie Meng, P. Ring, En-Guang Zhao, Shan-Gui Zhou

1202.0076 (Steffen A. Bass et al.)

Probing the QCD Critical Point with Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions    [PDF]

Steffen A. Bass, Hannah Petersen, Cory Quammen, Hal Canary, Christopher G. Healey, Russell M. Taylor II

1202.0143 (Nobutoshi Yasutake et al.)

Amorphous state in the mixed phase of quark-hadron phase transition in
protoneutron stars

Nobutoshi Yasutake, Toshiki Maruyama, Toshitaka Tatsumi

1202.0167 (A. Deltuva)

Properties of universal bosonic tetramers    [PDF]

A. Deltuva

1202.0173 (M. I. Krivoruchenko et al.)

Duality condition for s- and t-channel exchange in nucleon-nucleon

M. I. Krivoruchenko, Amand Faessler

1202.0208 (V. Baru et al.)

The multiple-scattering series in pion-deuteron scattering and the
nucleon-nucleon potential: perspectives from effective field theory

V. Baru, E. Epelbaum, C. Hanhart, M. Hoferichter, A. E. Kudryavtsev, D. R. Phillips

1202.0227 (Artur M. Ankowski et al.)

Gamma-ray production in neutral-current neutrino-oxygen interactions at
energies above 200 MeV

Artur M. Ankowski, Omar Benhar, Takaaki Mori, Ryuta Yamaguchi, Makoto Sakuda

1202.0244 (P. E. Koehler et al.)

Abrupt Change in Radiation-Width Distribution for 147Sm Neutron

P. E. Koehler, R. Reifarth, J. L. Ullmann, T. A. Bredeweg, J. M. O'Donnell, R. S. Rundberg, D. J. Vieira, J. M. Wouters

1202.0323 (A. Courtoy et al.)

First extraction of Interference Fragmentation Functions from e+e- data    [PDF]

A. Courtoy, A. Bacchetta, M. Radici, A. Bianconi

1202.0368 (W. Horiuchi et al.)

Ab initio study of the photoabsorption of $^4$He    [PDF]

W. Horiuchi, Y. Suzuki, K. Arai

1202.0454 (Bruno El-Bennich et al.)

Heavy-quark symmetries in the light of nonperturbative QCD approaches    [PDF]

Bruno El-Bennich, Craig D. Roberts, Mikhail A. Ivanov

1202.0516 (S. Bacca et al.)

The structure of 6He in the hyperspherical-harmonics approach    [PDF]

S. Bacca, N. Barnea, A. Schwenk

1202.0545 (Mariana Kirchbach et al.)

Conformal symmetry breaking and degeneracy of high-lying unflavored

Mariana Kirchbach, Adrian Pallares-Rivera, Cliffor Compean, Alfredo Raya