Thursday, February 9, 2012

0806.4425 (Yuichi Itto et al.)

On the Geodesic Nature of Wegner's Flow    [PDF]

Yuichi Itto, Sumiyoshi Abe

1110.6402 (S. Noguera et al.)

The eta-photon transition form factor    [PDF]

S. Noguera, S. Scopetta

1112.4653 (D. A. Kulikov et al.)

Relativistic oscillator model with spin for nucleon resonances    [PDF]

D. A. Kulikov, I. V. Uvarov, A. P. Yaroshenko

1202.1652 (B. Loiseau et al.)

CP violation and strong pion-pion interactions in the weak B charged
decays into three charged pions

B. Loiseau, J. -P. Dedonder, A. Furman, R. Kaminski, L. Lesniak

1202.1671 (Stefan Floerchinger et al.)

Chemical freeze-out in heavy ion collisions at large baryon densities    [PDF]

Stefan Floerchinger, Christof Wetterich

1202.1758 (M. Mumpower et al.)

The Rare Earth Peak : An Overlooked r-Process Diagnostic    [PDF]

M. Mumpower, G. McLaughlin, R. Surman

1202.1766 (Z. Halász et al.)

Investigation of alpha-induced reactions on 130Ba and 132Ba and their
importance for the synthesis of heavy p nuclei

Z. Halász, Gy. Gyürky, J. Farkas Zs. Fülöp, T. Szücs, E. Somorjai, T. Rauscher

1202.1767 (S. Frauendorf et al.)

Tidal wave in 102Pd: Rotating condensate of up to seven d-bosons    [PDF]

S. Frauendorf, M. A. Caprio, J. Sun