Monday, February 27, 2012

1108.5552 (A. K. Chaudhuri)

Fluctuating initial conditions and fluctuations in elliptic and
triangular flow

A. K. Chaudhuri

1108.5561 (Paul Romatschke)

Relativistic (Lattice) Boltzmann Equation with Non-Ideal Equation of

Paul Romatschke

1109.1727 (A. Csordás et al.)

Calculation of the even-odd energy difference in superfluid Fermi
systems using the pseudopotential theory

A. Csordás, G. Homa, P. Szépfalusy

1110.4142 (A. W. Steiner et al.)

Connecting Neutron Star Observations to Three-Body Forces in Neutron
Matter and to the Nuclear Symmetry Energy

A. W. Steiner, S. Gandolfi

1112.6086 (Takahiro Sasaki et al.)

Theta vacuum and entanglement interaction in the three-flavor
Polyakov-loop extended Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model

Takahiro Sasaki, Junichi Takahashi, Yuji Sakai, Hiroaki Kouno, Masanobu Yahiro

1202.5321 (Mohammed Mia et al.)

Non-Extremality, Chemical Potential and the Infrared limit of Large N
Thermal QCD

Mohammed Mia, Fang Chen, Keshav Dasgupta, Paul Franche, Sachindeo Vaidya

1202.5338 (Stanley J. Brodsky)

Novel Perspectives for Hadron Physics    [PDF]

Stanley J. Brodsky

1202.5340 (N. N. Kolesnikov)

Binding energy and stability of heavy and superheavy nuclei    [PDF]

N. N. Kolesnikov

1202.5419 (F. Iazzi et al.)

Strangeness production at finite temperature and baryon density in an
effective relativistic mean field model

F. Iazzi, R. Introzzi, A. Lavagno, D. Pigato, M. H. Younis

1202.5461 (Andreas Aste)

Die kontrollierte Kettenreaktion    [PDF]

Andreas Aste