Wednesday, May 9, 2012

1106.2835 (W. Li et al.)

The Similarity Renormalization Group with Novel Generators    [PDF]

W. Li, E. R. Anderson, R. J. Furnstahl

1110.3468 (V. D. Efros)

Method to solve integral equations of the first kind with an approximate

V. D. Efros

1111.5079 (Joaquín E. Drut et al.)

The Equation of State of the Unitary Fermi Gas: An Update on Lattice

Joaquín E. Drut, Timo A. Lähde, Gabriel Wlazłowski, Piotr Magierski

1112.4426 (Joan Soto et al.)

On the quark mass dependence of nucleon-nucleon S-wave scattering

Joan Soto, Jaume Tarrús

1205.1525 (Edward Taylor et al.)

Apparent low-energy scale invariance in two-dimensional Fermi gases    [PDF]

Edward Taylor, Mohit Randeria

1205.1554 (D. E. Kharzeev et al.)

Nuclear modification of the J/Psi transverse momentum distributions in
high energy pA and AA collisions

D. E. Kharzeev, E. M. Levin, K. Tuchin

1205.1582 (Shou-Wan Chen et al.)

Relativistic effect of spin and pseudospin symmetries    [PDF]

Shou-Wan Chen, Jian-You Guo

1205.1605 (Yingxun Zhang et al.)

Effect of isospin dependent cluster recognition on the observables in
heavy ion collisions

Yingxun Zhang, Zhuxia Li, Chengshuang Zhou, M. B. Tsang

1205.1608 (N. L. Hall et al.)

Volume Dependence of the Axial Charge of the Nucleon    [PDF]

N. L. Hall, A. W. Thomas, R. D. Young, J. M. Zanotti

1205.1699 (P. G. Ortega et al.)

Molecular structures in charmonium spectrum: The $XYZ$ puzzle    [PDF]

P. G. Ortega, D. R. Entem, F. Fernandez

1205.1713 (Sourendu Gupta)

Finite size scaling on the phase diagram of QCD    [PDF]

Sourendu Gupta

1205.1762 (M. I. Gorenstein)

Thermodynamical Consistency of Excluded Volume Hadron Gas Models    [PDF]

M. I. Gorenstein

1205.1797 (Kiminad A. Mamo)

Holographic Wilsonian RG Flow of the Shear Viscosity to Entropy Ratio in
Strongly Coupled Anisotropic Plasma

Kiminad A. Mamo