Wednesday, July 4, 2012

1207.0070 (Chen Wu et al.)

Hypernclear in the improved quark mass density- dependent model    [PDF]

Chen Wu, Yu-Gang Ma, Wei-Liang Qian, Ru-Keng Su

1207.0072 (Chen Wu et al.)

Quark deconfinement phase transition in nuclear matter for improved
quark mass density-dependent model

Chen Wu, Wei-Liang Qian, Yu-Gang Ma, Guo-Qiang Zhang, Sanjeev Kumar

1207.0126 (D. J. Rowe)

Vector coherent state representations and their inner products    [PDF]

D. J. Rowe

1207.0131 (V. Guzey et al.)

Impact of nuclear dependence of R=σ_L/σ_T on antishadowing in
nuclear structure functions

V. Guzey, L. Zhu, C. Keppel, M. Eric Christy, D. Gaskell, P. Solvignon, A. Accardi

1207.0148 (D. J. Rowe et al.)

Dual pairing of symmetry groups and dynamical groups in physics    [PDF]

D. J. Rowe, M. J. Carvalho, J. Repka

1207.0181 (T. -S. H. Lee et al.)

Fermi motion and pion-exchange effects on Drell-Yan processes    [PDF]

T. -S. H. Lee, H. Kamano

1207.0197 (Andreas Ipp et al.)

Yoctosecond metrology through HBT correlations from a quark-gluon plasma    [PDF]

Andreas Ipp, Peter Somkuti

1207.0344 (Wojciech Florkowski et al.)

Chromoelectric oscillations in a dynamically evolving anisotropic

Wojciech Florkowski, Radoslaw Ryblewski, Michael Strickland

1207.0414 (Jeremie Messud)

An alternative well founded way to treat the center-of-mass
correlations: proposition of a local center-of-mass correlations potential

Jeremie Messud

1207.0426 (A. Bhagwat et al.)

Microscopic-Macroscopic Approach for Binding Energies with the
Wigner-Kirkwood Method - II

A. Bhagwat, X. Viñas, M. Centelles, P. Schuck, R. Wyss

1207.0429 (Huan Dong et al.)

Half-Skyrmions and the Equation of State for Compact-Star Matter    [PDF]

Huan Dong, T. T. S. Kuo, Hyun Kyu Lee, R. Machleidt, Mannque Rho

1207.0545 (K. Kaki et al.)

Polarized proton+$^{4,6,8}$He elastic scattering with breakup effects    [PDF]

K. Kaki, Y. Suzuki, R. B. Wiringa

1207.0549 (Gerald A. Miller et al.)

Nuclear Quasi-Elastic Electron Scattering Limits Nucleon Off-Mass Shell

Gerald A. Miller, Anthony W. Thomas, Jonathan D. Carroll

1207.0629 (Radoslaw Ryblewski)

Collective phenomena in the early stages of relativistic heavy-ion

Radoslaw Ryblewski

1207.0664 (N. Lyutorovich et al.)

Self-consistent calculations of the electric giant dipole resonances in
light and heavy mass nuclei

N. Lyutorovich, V. Tselyaev, J. Speth, S. Krewald, F. Gruemmer, P. -G. Reinhard

1207.0669 (Majid Hamzavi et al.)

Approximate solution of the Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau equation for a vector
Yukawa potential with arbitrary total angular momenta

Majid Hamzavi, Sameer M. Ikhdair

1207.0675 (Sameer M. Ikhdair et al.)

Approximate relativistic bound state solutions of the Tietz-Hua rotating
oscillator for any -state

Sameer M. Ikhdair, Majid Hamzavi

1207.0693 (Kelly Patton et al.)

Neutrino-nucleus coherent scattering as a probe of neutron density

Kelly Patton, Jonathan Engel, Gail C. McLaughlin, Nicolas Schunck

1207.0747 (M. A. Stephanov et al.)

Chiral Kinetic Theory    [PDF]

M. A. Stephanov, Y. Yin

1207.0756 (Benoit Laurent et al.)

Description of He isotopes using the particle-particle random-phase
approximation model

Benoit Laurent, Nicole Vinh Mau

1207.0799 (E. Bauer et al.)

On the effect of the Delta(1232) in hypernuclear non-mesonic weak decay:
a microscopic approach

E. Bauer, G. Garbarino