Friday, January 4, 2013

1301.0066 (Mannque Rho)

Proton Mass, Topology Change and Tensor Forces in Compressed Baryonic

Mannque Rho

1301.0067 (Hyun Kyu Lee et al.)

Hyperons and Condensed Kaons in Compact Stars    [PDF]

Hyun Kyu Lee, Mannque Rho

1301.0099 (Kirill Tuchin)

Particle production in strong electromagnetic fields in relativistic
heavy-ion collisions

Kirill Tuchin

1301.0115 (E. T. Ibraeva et al.)

Proton elastic scattering from 8Li and 9Li nuclei within Glauber theory    [PDF]

E. T. Ibraeva, M. A. Zhusupov, O. Imambekov

1301.0165 (Roy A. Lacey et al.)

Is anisotropic flow really acoustic?    [PDF]

Roy A. Lacey, Yi Gu, X. Gong, D. Reynolds, N. N. Ajitanand, J. M. Alexander, A. Mwai, A. Taranenko

1301.0196 (W. Horiuchi et al.)

Spin-dipole strength functions of $^4$He with realistic nuclear forces    [PDF]

W. Horiuchi, Y. Suzuki

1301.0256 (M. Horoi et al.)

Novel shell-model analysis of the $^{136}$Xe double beta decay nuclear
matrix elements

M. Horoi, B. A. Brown

1301.0324 (Lei Chang et al.)

Imaging dynamical chiral symmetry breaking: pion wave function on the
light front

Lei Chang, I. C. Cloet, J. J. Cobos-Martinez, C. D. Roberts, S. M. Schmidt, P. C. Tandy

1301.0357 (Aurel Bulgac)

Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory and the Real-Time Dynamics of
Fermi Superfluids

Aurel Bulgac

1301.0390 (F. Gulminelli et al.)

Strangeness-driven phase transition in star matter    [PDF]

F. Gulminelli, Ad. R. Raduta, M. Oertel, J. Margueron

1301.0544 (A. A. Isayev et al.)

Finite temperature effects on anisotropic pressure and equation of state
of dense neutron matter in an ultrastrong magnetic field

A. A. Isayev, J. Yang