Thursday, May 17, 2012

1109.4271 (Nicolas Borghini et al.)

Heavy quarkonia in a medium as a quantum dissipative system:
Master-equation approach

Nicolas Borghini, Clement Gombeaud

1201.2665 (Ariel R. Zhitnitsky)

Local P Violation Effects and Thermalization in QCD: Views from Quantum
Field Theory and Holography

Ariel R. Zhitnitsky

1205.3526 (Michael Cheng et al.)

The finite temperature phase transition from domain wall fermions    [PDF]

Michael Cheng, for the HotQCD Collaboration

1205.3535 (HotQCD Collaboration et al.)

The chiral transition and U(1)_A symmetry restoration from lattice QCD
using Domain Wall Fermions

HotQCD Collaboration, A. Bazavov, Tanmoy Bhattacharya, Michael I. Buchoff, Michael Cheng, N. H. Christ, H. -T. Ding, Rajan Gupta, Prasad Hegde, Chulwoo Jung, F. Karsch, Zhongjie Lin, R. D. Mawhinney, Swagato Mukherjee, P. Petreczky, R. A. Soltz, P. M. Vranas, Hantao Yin

1205.3541 (C. J. Horowitz)

Dark matter transport properties and rapidly rotating neutron stars    [PDF]

C. J. Horowitz

1205.3585 (Jiangyong Jia et al.)

Study on initial geometry fluctuations via participant plane
correlations in heavy ion collisions: part II

Jiangyong Jia, Derek Teaney

1205.3621 (Kota Masuda et al.)

Hadron-Quark Crossover and Massive Hybrid Stars with Strangeness    [PDF]

Kota Masuda, Tetsuo Hatsuda, Tatsuyuki Takatsuka

1205.3625 (Rene Bellwied)

Hadron formation in the deconfined matter at RHIC and LHC    [PDF]

Rene Bellwied

1205.3631 (Hong-Jie Yin et al.)

Two-particle interferometry for the sources undergoing first-order QCD
phase transition in high energy heavy ion collisions

Hong-Jie Yin, Jing Yang, Wei-Ning Zhang, Li-Li Yu