Thursday, February 28, 2013

1302.6398 (S. N. Gninenko)

Precision measurements of the muon capture rate on nuclei with a muon
disappearance experiment

S. N. Gninenko

1302.6626 (Dany Page et al.)

Stellar Superfluids    [PDF]

Dany Page, James M. Lattimer, Madappa Prakash, Andrew W. Seiner

1302.6645 (B. C. Tiburzi)

Chiral Symmetry Restoration from a Boundary    [PDF]

B. C. Tiburzi

1302.6857 (J. Ferretti et al.)

Interpretation of the X(3872) as a charmonium state plus an extra
component due to the coupling to the meson-meson continuum

J. Ferretti, G. Galatà, E. Santopinto

1302.6876 (Boris Pritychenko)

Systematics of Evaluated Double-Beta Decay Half-Life Times    [PDF]

Boris Pritychenko

1302.6881 (B. Pritychenko et al.)

B(E2) Evaluation for 0+ to 2+ Transitions in Even-Even Nuclei    [PDF]

B. Pritychenko, M. Birch, M. Horoi, B. Singh

1302.6882 (G. Taranto et al.)

Selecting microscopic Equations of State    [PDF]

G. Taranto, M. Baldo, G. F. Burgio

1302.6889 (G. Ramalho et al.)

Octet to decuplet electromagnetic transition in a relativistic quark

G. Ramalho, K. Tsushima

1302.6925 (Giuseppe Colucci et al.)

Equation of state of hypernuclear matter: impact of
hyperon--scalar-meson couplings

Giuseppe Colucci, Armen Sedrakian

1302.6955 (Axel Pérez-Obiol et al.)

One-loop contributions in the EFT for the $ΛN \to NN$ transition    [PDF]

Axel Pérez-Obiol, David R. Entem, Bruno Juliá-Díaz, Assumpta Parreño

1302.6991 (Bartomeu Fiol et al.)

Exact momentum fluctuations of an accelerated quark in N=4 super

Bartomeu Fiol, Blai Garolera, Genis Torrents

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

1302.6275 (David Blaschke et al.)

Nonlocal PNJL models and heavy hybrid stars    [PDF]

David Blaschke, David E. Alvarez Castillo, Sanjin Benic, Gustavo Contrera, Rafal Lastowiecki

1302.6300 (P. E. Shanahan et al.)

Octet Spin Fractions and the Proton Spin Problem    [PDF]

P. E. Shanahan, A. W. Thomas, K. Tsushima, R. D. Young, F. Myhrer

1302.6311 (Amaresh Jaiswal)

Chapman-Enskog expansion and relativistic dissipative hydrodynamics    [PDF]

Amaresh Jaiswal

1302.6355 (Helios Sanchis-Alepuz et al.)

Delta and Omega electromagnetic form factors in a covariant three-body

Helios Sanchis-Alepuz, Richard Williams, Reinhard Alkofer

1302.6365 (Julien Serreau)

Nonperturbative enhancement of nonGaussian correlators in de Sitter

Julien Serreau

1302.6381 (Sungtae Cho et al.)

Hadronic effects on the X(3872) meson abundance in heavy ion collisions    [PDF]

Sungtae Cho, Su Houng Lee

1302.6433 (Javier L. Albacete et al.)

The initial state of heavy-ion collisions    [PDF]

Javier L. Albacete, Adrian Dumitru, Cyrille Marquet

1302.6441 (L. Bravina et al.)

Effect of jets on $v_4/v_2^2$ ratio and constituent quark scaling in
relativistic heavy-ion collisions

L. Bravina, B. H. Brusheim Johansson, G. Eyyubova, E. Zabrodin

1302.6462 (M. Rinaldi et al.)

Double parton correlations in constituent quark models    [PDF]

M. Rinaldi, S. Scopetta, V. Vento

1302.6490 (A. Deltuva)

Breakup of a nucleus with two weakly bound neutrons on a proton target:
Single-scattering approximation

A. Deltuva

1302.6510 (T. Kalaydzhyan)

Chiral Superfluidity for the Heavy Ion Collisions    [PDF]

T. Kalaydzhyan

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

1302.5718 (N. Schunck)

Microscopic Description of Induced Fission    [PDF]

N. Schunck

1302.5740 (Heng-Tong Ding)

Exploring QCD phase diagram at vanishing baryon density on the lattice    [PDF]

Heng-Tong Ding

1302.5766 (Yu. B. Ivanov)

Alternative Scenarios of Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions: I. Baryon

Yu. B. Ivanov

1302.5770 (Myung-Ki Cheoun et al.)

Asymmetry in the neutrino and anti-neutrino reactions in a nuclear

Myung-Ki Cheoun, Kiseok Choi, K. S. Kim, Koichi Saito, Toshitaka Kajino, Kazuo Tsushima, Tomoyuki Maruyama

1302.5817 (Long Jun Wang et al.)

Odd-even staggerings on nuclear binding energy described by the
covariant density functional theory

Long Jun Wang, Bao Yuan Sun, Jian Min Dong, Wen Hui Long

1302.5829 (A. Bashir et al.)

QCD: Restoration of Chiral Symmetry and Deconfinement for Large N_f    [PDF]

A. Bashir, A. Raya, J. Rodríguez-Quintero

1302.5833 (Tadahiro Suhara et al.)

Novel and simple description for smooth transition from $α$ cluster
to $jj$-coupling shell model wave function

Tadahiro Suhara, Naoyuki Itagaki, József Cseh, Marek Płoszajczak

1302.5873 (Guo-Liang Ma)

Towards detailed tomography of high energy heavy-ion collisions by

Guo-Liang Ma

1302.5874 (Xin-Nian Wang et al.)

Medium Modification of γ-jets in High-energy Heavy-ion Collisions    [PDF]

Xin-Nian Wang, Yan Zhu

1302.5875 (G J Mathews et al.)

Updates of the nuclear equation of state for core-collapse supernovae
and neutron Stars: effects of 3-body forces, QCD, and magnetic fields

G J Mathews, M Meixner, J P Olson, I-S Suh, T Kajino, T Maruyama, J Hidaka, C-Y Ryu, M-K Cheoun, N Q Lan

1302.5959 (Daniel R. Phillips)

Recent results in chiral effective field theory for the NN system    [PDF]

Daniel R. Phillips

1302.5970 (Jacopo Ghiglieri et al.)

Next-to-leading order thermal photon production in a weakly coupled
quark-gluon plasma

Jacopo Ghiglieri, Juhee Hong, Aleksi Kurkela, Egang Lu, Guy D. Moore, Derek Teaney

1302.5996 (Alexei M. Frolov)

On the products of bipolar harmonics    [PDF]

Alexei M. Frolov

1302.6007 (A. Krasznahorkay et al.)

Anti-analog giant dipole resonances and the neutron skin of nuclei    [PDF]

A. Krasznahorkay, N. Paar, D. Vretenar, M. N. Harakeh

1302.6012 (T. Mart et al.)

Nonidentical protons    [PDF]

T. Mart, A. Sulaksono

1302.6025 (T. Mart et al.)

Are hyperon resonances required in the elementary $K^+Λ$

T. Mart, N. Nurhadiansyah

1302.6074 (H. Chen et al.)

Structure of the hadron-quark mixed phase in protoneutron stars    [PDF]

H. Chen, G. F. Burgio, H. -J. Schulze, N. Yasutake

1302.6190 (D. Anchishkin et al.)

Hadronic Reaction Zones in Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions    [PDF]

D. Anchishkin, V. Vovchenko, S. Yezhov

1302.6195 (Alexander Rothkopf)

From Complex to Stochastic Potential: Heavy Quarkonia in the Quark-Gluon

Alexander Rothkopf

Monday, February 25, 2013

1302.5447 (Cristina Manuel et al.)

Bulk viscosity coefficients due to phonons in superfluid neutron stars    [PDF]

Cristina Manuel, Jaume Tarrus, Laura Tolos

1302.5466 (Yun-Hua Chen et al.)

Possible $Σ^*(1/2^-)$ in initial-state polarized
$\gammaN\rightarrow K^{+} Σ^*(1385) \rightarrow K^{+} π
Λ$reaction near threshold

Yun-Hua Chen, Bing-Song Zou

1302.5473 (E. D. Jurgenson et al.)

P-shell nuclei using Similarity Renormalization Group evolved
three-nucleon interactions

E. D. Jurgenson, P. Maris, R. J. Furnstahl, P. Navratil, W. E. Ormand, J. P. Vary

1302.5515 (Cédric Lorcé)

Gauge-covariant canonical formalism revisited with application to the
proton spin decomposition

Cédric Lorcé

1302.5522 (A. Chandar et al.)

Strangeness in proton and properties of nucleons in nuclear matter

A. Chandar, A Bhattacharya, B. Chakrabarti

1302.5537 (Florian Hebenstreit et al.)

Simulating fermion production in 1+1 dimensional QED    [PDF]

Florian Hebenstreit, Jürgen Berges, Daniil Gelfand

1302.5580 (Ilkka Helenius et al.)

Centrality dependence of inclusive prompt photon production in d+Au,
Au+Au, p+Pb, and Pb+Pb collisions

Ilkka Helenius, Kari J. Eskola, Hannu Paukkunen

1302.5604 (S. K. Dutta et al.)

Isospectral Bound State Potential from DDM3Y Effective Interaction    [PDF]

S. K. Dutta, D. Gupta, D. Das, Swapan K. Saha

1302.5617 (Eric Braaten et al.)

Universal Relation for the Inelastic Two-Body Loss Rate    [PDF]

Eric Braaten, H. -W. Hammer

Friday, February 22, 2013

1009.0976 (Tomoyuki Maruyama et al.)

Asymmetric Neutrino Emission from Magnetized Proto-Neutron Star Matter
including Hyperons in Relativistic Mean Field Theory

Tomoyuki Maruyama, Toshitaka Kajino, Nobutoshi Yasutake, Myung-Ki Cheoun, Chung-Yeol Ryu

1302.4496 (W. Zhu et al.)

Possibility of a $J^{PC}=3^{-+}$ state    [PDF]

W. Zhu, T. Yao, Yan-Rui Liu

1302.5047 (Chien-Yeah Seng et al.)

Parity Violating Deep Inelastic Electron-Deuteron Scattering: Higher
Twist and Parton Angular Momentum

Chien-Yeah Seng, Michael J. Ramsey-Musolf

1302.5152 (Masashi Wakamatsu)

Are there infinitely many decompositions of the nucleon spin ?    [PDF]

Masashi Wakamatsu

1302.5250 (Oliver Fochler et al.)

Radiative parton processes in perturbative QCD - an improved version of
the Gunion and Bertsch cross section from comparisons to the exact result

Oliver Fochler, Jan Uphoff, Zhe Xu, Carsten Greiner

1302.5310 (L. P. Csernai et al.)

Flow Vorticity in Peripheral High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions    [PDF]

L. P. Csernai, V. K. Magas, D. J. Wang

1302.5327 (Zhen Zhang et al.)

Constraining the symmetry energy at subsaturation densities using
isotope binding energy difference and neutron skin thickness

Zhen Zhang, Lie-Wen Chen

Thursday, February 21, 2013

1208.2021 (Clayton S. Mello et al.)

Electromagnetic Structure of the Pion    [PDF]

Clayton S. Mello, José P. Cruz Filho, Edson O. da Silva, J. P. B. C. de Melo, Bruno El-Bennich, Victo S. Filho

1302.4762 (B. Acharya et al.)

Carbon-19 in Halo EFT: Effective-range parameters from
Coulomb-dissociation experiments

B. Acharya, Daniel R. Phillips

1302.4833 (Neha Gupta et al.)

Antikaons in neutron star studied with recent versions of relativistic
mean-field models

Neha Gupta, P. Arumugam

1302.4917 (Sourendu Gupta et al.)

Hadronic Screening in Improved Taste    [PDF]

Sourendu Gupta, Nikhil Karthik

1302.5080 (Larry Zamick et al.)

Isobaric analog states in the f_{7/2} and g_{9/2} shells    [PDF]

Larry Zamick, Shadow Robinson, Alberto Escuderos, Yitzhak Sharon, Michael Kirson

1302.5091 (S. Pastore et al.)

GFMC calculations of electromagnetic moments and M1 transitions in
$A\leq 9$ nuclei

S. Pastore, Steven C. Pieper, R. Schiavilla, R. B. Wiringa

1302.5098 (Maximilian Attems et al.)

The chromo-Weibel instability in an expanding background    [PDF]

Maximilian Attems, Anton Rebhan, Michael Strickland

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

1302.4478 (Elena Litvinova et al.)

Low-energy limit of the radiative dipole strength in nuclei    [PDF]

Elena Litvinova, Nikolay Belov

1302.4581 (V. V. Parkar et al.)

Exploring the breakup and transfer coupling effects in 9Be elastic

V. V. Parkar, V. Jha, S. K. Pandit, S. Santra, S. Kailas

1302.4586 (Neha Gupta et al.)

The size of most massive neutron stars may reveal its exotic cores    [PDF]

Neha Gupta, P. Arumugam

1302.4590 (Neha Gupta et al.)

Pasta phases in neutron star studied with extended relativistic mean
field models

Neha Gupta, P. Arumugam

1302.4604 (Markus Diehl et al.)

Nucleon form factors, generalized parton distributions and quark angular

Markus Diehl, Peter Kroll

1302.4732 (Mark G. Alford et al.)

Generic conditions for stable hybrid stars    [PDF]

Mark G. Alford, Sophia Han, Madappa Prakash

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

1302.3890 (Tomasz Golan et al.)

Axial Mass and Strangeness from MiniBooNE Neutral Current Elastic Cross
Section Measurement

Tomasz Golan, Krzysztof M. Graczyk, Cezary Juszczak, Jan T. Sobczyk

1302.3891 (Mohamed E. Kelabi)

Scattering Amplitude of Ï€N on the Second Sheet    [PDF]

Mohamed E. Kelabi

1302.3911 (Gary T. Howell et al.)

Color transparency in the reaction nuclear rho production by virtual

Gary T. Howell, Gerald A. Miller

1302.3930 (I. S. Novikov et al.)

Complete Glauber calculations of reaction and interaction cross sections
in light ion collisions

I. S. Novikov, Yu. Shabelski

1302.3978 (E. Ruiz Arriola et al.)

Nuclear Symmetries of the similarity renormalization group for nuclear

E. Ruiz Arriola, V. S. Timoteo, S. Szpigel

1302.4065 (Michael Döring et al.)

Finite volume effects and quark mass dependence of the N(1535) and

Michael Döring, Maxim Mai, Ulf-G. Meißner

1302.4158 (Gautam Rupak et al.)

Radiative capture reactions in lattice effective field theory    [PDF]

Gautam Rupak, Dean Lee

1302.4167 (Neetika Sharma et al.)

Quadrupole moments of low lying baryons with spin 1/2^+, spin 3/2^+, and
spin 3/2^+ \to 1/2^+ transitions

Neetika Sharma, Harleen Dahiya

1302.4204 (Mariola KÅ‚usek-Gawenda et al.)

$π^+ π^-$ and $π^0 π^0$ pair production in photon-photon and in
ultraperipheral ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions

Mariola KÅ‚usek-Gawenda, Antoni Szczurek

1302.4215 (N. N. Achasov et al.)

On the description of the ψ(3770) resonance interfering with the

N. N. Achasov, G. N. Shestakov

1302.4237 (S. Sakaguchi et al.)

Shallow and diffuse spin-orbit potential for proton elastic scattering
from neutron-rich helium isotopes at 71 MeV/nucleon

S. Sakaguchi, T. Uesaka, N. Aoi, Y. Ichikawa, K. Itoh, M. Itoh, T. Kawabata, T. Kawahara, Y. Kondo, H. Kuboki, T. Nakamura, T. Nakao, Y. Nakayama, H. Sakai, Y. Sasamoto, K. Sekiguchi, T. Shimamura, Y. Shimizu, T. Wakui

1302.4256 (Shin-Ichi Ohtsubo et al.)

Complex-Scaling Calculation of Three-Body Resonances Using Complex-Range
Gaussian Basis Functions --- Application to 3αresonances in 12C ---

Shin-Ichi Ohtsubo, Yoshihiro Fukushima, Masayasu Kamimura, Emiko Hiyama

1302.4261 (H. Togashi et al.)

Variational study for the equation of state of asymmetric nuclear matter
at finite temperatures

H. Togashi, M. Takano

1302.4288 (Adeola Adeluyi et al.)

Coherent photoproduction of $ψ$ and $Υ$ mesons in
ultraperipheral pPb and PbPb collisions at the CERN LHC

Adeola Adeluyi, Trang Nguyen

1302.4301 (J. Rotureau)

Effective interaction for the trapped fermi gas with a unitary
transformation of the exact two-body spectrum

J. Rotureau

1302.4346 (Piotr Lebiedowicz et al.)

Exclusive diffractive photon bremsstrahlung at the LHC    [PDF]

Piotr Lebiedowicz, Antoni Szczurek

1302.4356 (A. Leviatan et al.)

Partial dynamical symmetry as a selection criterion for many-body

A. Leviatan, J. E. Garcia-Ramos, P. Van Isacker

1302.4395 (Taesoo Song et al.)

Quarkonium formation time in quark-gluon plasma    [PDF]

Taesoo Song, Che Ming Ko, Su Houng Lee

1302.4410 (C. Alexandrou et al.)

Nucleon Excited States in N$_f$=2 lattice QCD    [PDF]

C. Alexandrou, T. Korzec, G. Koutsou, T. Leontiou

Monday, February 18, 2013

1302.3646 (Rudolph C. Hwa)

Effects of Minijets on Common Observables in Heavy-Ion Collisions with
Uncommon Implications

Rudolph C. Hwa

1302.3765 (A. V. Giannini et al.)

Nonlinear effects and the behavior of total hadronic and photonic cross

A. V. Giannini, F. O. Durães

1302.3775 (Jialin Zhang et al.)

Rotational constants of multi-phonon bands in an effective theory for
deformed nuclei

Jialin Zhang, T. Papenbrock

1302.3776 (F. Gulminelli et al.)

Some aspects of the phase diagram of nuclear matter relevant to compact

F. Gulminelli, Ad-R. Raduta, J. Margueron, P. Papakonstantinou, M. Oertel

1302.3815 (S. N. More et al.)

Universal properties of infrared oscillator basis extrapolations    [PDF]

S. N. More, A. Ekstrom, R. J. Furnstahl, G. Hagen, T. Papenbrock

1302.3836 (P. Rau et al.)

Chiral Hadronic Mean Field Model including Quark Degrees of Freedom    [PDF]

P. Rau, J. Steinheimer, S. Schramm, H. Stöcker

1302.3849 (W. N. Catford)

Clustering in Nuclei from N/Z=1 to N/Z=2    [PDF]

W. N. Catford

1302.3875 (Mohamed E. Kelabi)

Kinematic Moment of Inertia of e-e Rare Earths Nuclei    [PDF]

Mohamed E. Kelabi

Friday, February 15, 2013

1302.3228 (Najmul Haque et al.)

Quark Number Susceptibilities from Two-Loop Hard Thermal Loop
Perturbation Theory

Najmul Haque, Munshi G. Mustafa, Michael Strickland

1302.3241 (Evgeny Epelbaum)

Nuclear Physics with Chiral Effective Field Theory: State of the Art and
Open Challenges

Evgeny Epelbaum

1302.3262 (Julien Serreau et al.)

Nonperturbative resummation of de Sitter infrared logarithms in the
large-N limit

Julien Serreau, Renaud Parentani

1302.3276 (Si-xue Qin et al.)

Practical corollaries of transverse Ward-Green-Takahashi identities    [PDF]

Si-xue Qin, Lei Chang, Yu-xin Liu, Craig D. Roberts, Sebastian M. Schmidt

1302.3278 (F. Minato et al.)

Impact of tensor force on β-decay of magic and semi-magic nuclei    [PDF]

F. Minato, C. L. Bai

1302.3390 (Andrea Meucci et al.)

Elastic and quasi-elastic electron scattering off nuclei with neutron

Andrea Meucci, Matteo Vorabbi, Paolo Finelli, Carlotta Giusti, Franco Davide Pacati

1302.3408 (Gunnar Graef et al.)

A twisted emission geometry in non-central Pb+Pb collisions measurable
via azimuthally sensitive HBT

Gunnar Graef, Mike Lisa, Marcus Bleicher

1302.3419 (R. Rosenfelder)

Scattering Theory with Path Integrals    [PDF]

R. Rosenfelder

1302.3421 (B. Behera et al.)

Simple effective interaction: Infinite nuclear matter and finite nuclei    [PDF]

B. Behera, X. Vinas, M. Bhuyan, T. R. Routray, B. K. Sharma, S. K. Patra

1302.3528 (Antonio Pineda et al.)

Improved determination of Heavy Quarkonium magnetic dipole transitions

Antonio Pineda, J. Segovia

1302.3535 (Ulrich W Heinz et al.)

Fluctuating flow angles and anisotropic flow measurements    [PDF]

Ulrich W Heinz, Zhi Qiu, Chun Shen

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

1302.2649 (Mark G. Alford et al.)

On the consistency of the spindown behavior of young and old pulsars    [PDF]

Mark G. Alford, Kai Schwenzer

1302.2730 (J. P. Noordmans et al.)

Lorentz violation in neutron and allowed nuclear beta decay    [PDF]

J. P. Noordmans, H. W. Wilschut, R. G. E. Timmermans

1302.2807 (Mikhail Gorchtein et al.)

$μ-H$ Lamb shift: dispersing the nucleon-excitation uncertainty with a
finite energy sum rule

Mikhail Gorchtein, Felipe J. Llanes-Estrada, Adam P. Szczepaniak

1302.2834 (Avraham Gal)

Comment on a recent attempt to explain the `GSI anomaly' by
initial-state e.m. spin-rotation coupling

Avraham Gal

1302.2835 (Matthias Hempel et al.)

Non-congruence of the nuclear liquid-gas and deconfinement phase

Matthias Hempel, Veronica Dexheimer, Stefan Schramm, Igor Iosilevskiy

1302.2872 (Hermann Krebs et al.)

Chiral three-nucleon force at N^4LO II: Intermediate-range contributions    [PDF]

Hermann Krebs, Ashot Gasparyan, Evgeny Epelbaum

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

1302.2172 (Aurel Bulgac et al.)

Strength of the Vortex-Pinning Interaction from Real-Time Dynamics    [PDF]

Aurel Bulgac, Michael McNeil Forbes, Rishi Sharma

1302.2180 (Agnes Mocsy et al.)

Quarkonia in the Quark Gluon Plasma    [PDF]

Agnes Mocsy, Peter Petreczky, Michael Strickland

1302.2207 (Bipasha Bhowmick et al.)

Strange baryons, nuclear dripline and shrinkage : A Relativistic Mean
Field study

Bipasha Bhowmick, Abhijit Bhattacharyya, G. Gangopadhyay

1302.2233 (R. Horsley et al.)

Nucleon axial charge and pion decay constant from two-flavor lattice QCD    [PDF]

R. Horsley, Y. Nakamura, A. Nobile, P. E. L. Rakow, G. Schierholz, J. M. Zanotti

1302.2301 (Shota Ohnishi et al.)

Signature of strange dibaryons in kaon- and photon-induced reactions    [PDF]

Shota Ohnishi, Yoichi Ikeda, Hiroyuki Kamano, Toru Sato

1302.2332 (Xiaofeng Luo et al.)

Techniques in the Moment Analysis of Net-proton Multiplicity
Distributions in Heavy-Ion Collisions

Xiaofeng Luo, Ji Xu, Bedangadas Mohanty, Nu Xu

1302.2344 (Emanuele Pace et al.)

Quark Transverse Momentum Distributions inside a nucleon : a Light-Front
Hamiltonian Dynamics study

Emanuele Pace, Giovanni Salme', Sergio Scopetta, Alessio Del Dotto

1302.2374 (Cristina Volpe et al.)

Extended evolution equations for neutrino propagation in astrophysical
and cosmological environments

Cristina Volpe, Daavid Väänänen, Catalina Espinoza

1302.2396 (Alexandros Gezerlis et al.)

Unbalanced low-density neutron matter    [PDF]

Alexandros Gezerlis, Rishi Sharma

1302.2568 (Sonia Bacca)

Neutron-rich Helium isotopes based on hyperspherical harmonics    [PDF]

Sonia Bacca

1302.2579 (Y. Mehtar-Tani et al.)

Jet physics in heavy-ion collisions    [PDF]

Y. Mehtar-Tani, J. G. Milhano, K. Tywoniuk

1302.2600 (Stefan Meinel)

Omega_bbb excited-state spectroscopy from lattice QCD    [PDF]

Stefan Meinel

Monday, February 11, 2013

1302.1862 (Susan Gardner et al.)

Radiative Beta Decay for Studies of CP Violation    [PDF]

Susan Gardner, Daheng He

1302.1926 (Shuichiro Ebata et al.)

Time-dependent density-functional studies on strength functions in
neutron-rich nuclei

Shuichiro Ebata, Tsunenori Inakura, Takashi Nakatsukasa

1302.1928 (J. R. Stone)

High density matter    [PDF]

J. R. Stone

1302.1953 (Xiu-Lei Ren et al.)

Virtual decuplet effects on octet baryon masses in covariant baryon
chiral perturbation theory

Xiu-Lei Ren, Lisheng Geng, Jie Meng, Hiroshi Toki

1302.1955 (Akihiko Monnai)

Dissipative hydrodynamic evolution of hot quark matter at finite baryon

Akihiko Monnai

1302.1990 (S. K. Tiwari et al.)

Hot and Dense Hadron Gas (HG): A New Excluded-volume approach    [PDF]

S. K. Tiwari, C. P. Singh

1302.1992 (G. Co' et al.)

Pygmy and giant electric dipole responses of medium-heavy nuclei in a
self-consistent Random Phase Approximation approach with finite-range

G. Co', V. De Donno, M. Anguiano, A. M. Lallena

1302.1993 (Lisa M. Haas et al.)

Improved Polyakov-loop potential for effective models from functional

Lisa M. Haas, Rainer Stiele, Jens Braun, Jan M. Pawlowski, Juergen Schaffner-Bielich

1302.2064 (Adrian Dumitru et al.)

Magnetic flux loop in high-energy heavy-ion collisions    [PDF]

Adrian Dumitru, Yasushi Nara, Elena Petreska

1302.2067 (P. Alberto et al.)

Spin and pseudospin symmetries of the Dirac equation with confining
central potentials

P. Alberto, A. S. de Castro, M. Malheiro

1302.2088 (A. P. Kobushkin et al.)

Spin-dependent observables and the D_2 parameter in breakup of deuteron
and 3He

A. P. Kobushkin, E. A. Strokovsky

1302.2089 (Pieter Maris et al.)

Properties of trapped neutrons interacting with realistic nuclear

Pieter Maris, James P. Vary, S. Gandolfi, J. Carlson, Steven C. Pieper

1302.2125 (Yukinao Akamatsu et al.)

Chiral Plasma Instabilities    [PDF]

Yukinao Akamatsu, Naoki Yamamoto

Friday, February 8, 2013

1201.2666 (Gouranga C. Nayak)

General Form of the Color Potential Produced by Color Charges of the

Gouranga C. Nayak

1302.1600 (Silas R. Beane)

Broken Chiral Symmetry on a Null Plane    [PDF]

Silas R. Beane

1302.1665 (Yukinao Akamatsu et al.)

A new scheme of causal viscous hydrodynamics for relativistic heavy-ion
collisions: Riemann solver for quark-gluon plasma

Yukinao Akamatsu, Shu-ichiro Inutsuka, Chiho Nonaka, Makoto Takamoto

1302.1691 (D. J. Wang et al.)

Viscous potential flow analysis of peripheral heavy ion collisions    [PDF]

D. J. Wang, Z. Néda, L. P. Csernai

1302.1698 (Neha Gupta et al.)

Antikaons and higher order couplings in relativistic-mean field study of
neutron stars

Neha Gupta, P. Arumugam

1302.1770 (Lu Zhao et al.)

The meson-exchange model for the $Λ\barΛ$ interaction    [PDF]

Lu Zhao, Ning Li, Shi-Lin Zhu, Bing-Song Zou

Thursday, February 7, 2013

1302.1159 (John F. Cherry et al.)

Halo Modification of a Supernova Neutronization Neutrino Burst    [PDF]

John F. Cherry, J. Carlson, Alexander Friedland, George M. Fuller, Alexey Vlasenko

1302.1204 (Simin Mahmoodifar et al.)

Upper bounds on r-mode amplitudes from observations of LMXB neutron

Simin Mahmoodifar, Tod Strohmayer

1302.1226 (M. K. G. Kruse et al.)

Extrapolation uncertainties in the importance-truncated No-Core Shell

M. K. G. Kruse, E. D. Jurgenson, P. Navrátil, B. R. Barrett, W. E. Ormand

1302.1277 (Enseok Oh et al.)

Non-spherical collapse in AdS and Early Thermalization in RHIC    [PDF]

Enseok Oh, Sang-Jin Sin

1302.1295 (E. J. Garzon et al.)

A case in favor of the $N^*(1700)(3/2^-)$    [PDF]

E. J. Garzon, J. J. Xie, E. Oset

1302.1311 (Vladimir E. Rochev)

Asymptotic behavior and critical coupling in the scalar Yukawa model
from Schwinger-Dyson equations

Vladimir E. Rochev

1302.1313 (W. Cassing et al.)

Non-Abelian color fields from relativistic color charge configurations
in the classical limit

W. Cassing, V. V. Goloviznin, S. V. Molodtsov, A. M. Snigirev, V. D. Toneev, V. Voronyuk, G. M. Zinovjev

1302.1426 (Tina K. Herbst et al.)

On the Phase Structure and Thermodynamics of QCD    [PDF]

Tina K. Herbst, Jan M. Pawlowski, Bernd-Jochen Schaefer

1302.1509 (Fedor Å imkovic et al.)

$0νββ$ and $2νββ$ nuclear matrix elements, QRPA, and
isospin symmetry restoration

Fedor Å imkovic, Vadim Rodin, Amand Faessler, Petr Vogel

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

1104.2415 (Jorge Noronha et al.)

Transient Fluid Dynamics of the Quark-Gluon Plasma According to AdS/CFT    [PDF]

Jorge Noronha, Gabriel S. Denicol

1302.0846 (Teppo T. Jouttenus et al.)

Jet Mass Spectra in Higgs + One Jet at NNLL    [PDF]

Teppo T. Jouttenus, Iain W. Stewart, Frank J. Tackmann, Wouter J. Waalewijn

1302.0906 (W. Cassing et al.)

On the electric conductivity of hot QCD matter    [PDF]

W. Cassing, O. Linnyk, T. Steinert, V. Ozvenchuk

1302.0928 (Jian Deng et al.)

Collision Rate and Symmetry Factor in Gluon Plasma    [PDF]

Jian Deng, Qun Wang

1302.0958 (Shuichiro Ebata et al.)

Systematic investigation of E1 strength for the isotopes from Z = 28 to

Shuichiro Ebata, Takashi Nakatsukasa, Tsunenori Inakura

1302.0959 (Eunja Ha et al.)

Shell evolution of N=20 nuclei and Gamow-Teller strengths of
$^{30,32,34}$Mg by the deformed QRPA

Eunja Ha, Myung-Ki Cheoun

1302.1051 (Carl R. Brune et al.)

Energy Deconvolution of Cross Section Measurements with an Application
to the 12C(α,γ)16O Reaction

Carl R. Brune, Daniel B. Sayre

1302.1055 (E. A. Kuraev et al.)

On the measurement of $χ_2(^3P_2)$ quarkonium state in the processes
$e^++e^-\to \bar p+p$ and $\bar p+p\to e^++e^-$

E. A. Kuraev, Yu. M. Bystritskiy, V. V. Bytev, E. Tomasi-Gustafsson

1302.1097 (R. S. Mackintosh)

The angular momentum dependence of nuclear optical potentials    [PDF]

R. S. Mackintosh

1302.1119 (Giorgio Torrieri et al.)

Photon Signals from Quarkyonic Matter    [PDF]

Giorgio Torrieri, Sascha Vogel

1302.1165 (J. D. McDonnell et al.)

Third minima in thorium and uranium isotopes in the self-consistent

J. D. McDonnell, W. Nazarewicz, J. A. Sheikh

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

1211.6835 (Brett McInnes)

Shearing Black Holes and Scans of the Quark Matter Phase Diagram    [PDF]

Brett McInnes

1302.0079 (Li-Ye Xiao et al.)

$Ξ$ baryon strong decays in a chiral quark model    [PDF]

Li-Ye Xiao, Xian-Hui Zhong

1302.0111 (Cédric Lorcé)

Canonical and kinetic decompositions of the proton spin    [PDF]

Cédric Lorcé

1302.0150 (Wes Armour et al.)

Monte Carlo Study of Strongly-Interacting Degenerate Fermions: a Model
for Voltage-Biased Bilayer Graphene

Wes Armour, Simon Hands, Costas Strouthos

1302.0165 (Jun Xu)

Shear viscosity of nuclear matter    [PDF]

Jun Xu

1302.0185 (S. Aoki et al.)

Short Distance Repulsion Among Baryons    [PDF]

S. Aoki, J. Balog, T. Doi, T. Inoue, P. Weisz

1302.0202 (Pei Wang et al.)

Three-body force effect on off-shell mass operator and spectral
functions in nuclear matter

Pei Wang, Sheng-Xin Gan, Peng Yin, Wei Zuo

1302.0239 (P. Napolitani et al.)

Boltzmann-Langevin One-Body dynamics for fermionic systems    [PDF]

P. Napolitani, M. Colonna

1302.0241 (P. Napolitani et al.)

Bifurcations in Boltzmann-Langevin One Body dynamics for fermionic

P. Napolitani, M. Colonna

1302.0300 (Thomas A. Trainor et al.)

Challenging claims of "elliptic flow" by comparing azimuth quadrupole
and jet-related angular correlations from Au-Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}
= $ 62 and 200 GeV

Thomas A. Trainor, David T. Kettler, Duncan J. Prindle, R. L. Ray

1302.0341 (S. Frauendorf)

Cross-over between different symmetries    [PDF]

S. Frauendorf

1302.0381 (J. Cseh et al.)

Multichannel dynamical symmetry and cluster-coexistence    [PDF]

J. Cseh, K. Kato

1302.0401 (A. D. Ayangeakaa et al.)

Observation of Multiple Chiral Doublet Bands in $^{133}$Ce    [PDF]

A. D. Ayangeakaa, U. Garg, M. D. Anthony, S. Frauendorf, J. T. Matta, B. K. Nayak, D. Patel, Q. B. Chen, S. Q. Zhang, P. W. Zhao, B. Qi, J. Meng, R. V. F. Janssens, M. P. Carpenter, C. J. Chiara, F. G. Kondev, T. Lauritsen, D. Seweryniak, S. Zhu, S. S. Ghugre, R. Palit

1302.0416 (Philip D. Powell et al.)

Asymmetric quark pairing and color neutrality in the
Polyakov--Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model of QCD

Philip D. Powell, Gordon Baym

1302.0468 (Ju-Jun Xie et al.)

Role of the $N^*(2080)$ in $pp \to pK^+ Λ(1520)$ and $π^- p \to
K^0 Λ(1520)$ reactions

Ju-Jun Xie, Bo-Chao Liu

1302.0642 (Su Houng Lee et al.)

Chiral and U_A(1) symmetry in correlation functions in medium    [PDF]

Su Houng Lee, Sungtae Cho

1302.0655 (Thomas Lang et al.)

Possibility for $J/Ψ$ suppression in high multiplicity proton-proton
collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=7\,$TeV

Thomas Lang, Marcus Bleicher

1302.0664 (S. Kundu et al.)

Deformation in 28Si* produced via 16O + 12C reaction    [PDF]

S. Kundu, C. Bhattacharya, S. Bhattacharya, T. K. Rana, K. Banerjee, S. Muhkopadhayay, D. Gupta, A. Dey, R. Saha

1302.0666 (Amaresh Jaiswal et al.)

Complete relativistic second-order dissipative hydrodynamics from the
entropy principle

Amaresh Jaiswal, Rajeev S. Bhalerao, Subrata Pal

1302.0675 (Bastian B. Brandt et al.)

Two-flavour lattice QCD correlation functions in the deconfinement
transition region

Bastian B. Brandt, Anthony Francis, Harvey B. Meyer, Hartmut Wittig

1302.0697 (Michal P. Heller et al.)

On the character of hydrodynamic gradient expansion in gauge theory

Michal P. Heller, Romuald A. Janik, Przemyslaw Witaszczyk

1302.0703 (J. Nieves et al.)

Two Particle-Hole Excitations in Charged Current Quasielastic
Antineutrino--Nucleus Scattering

J. Nieves, I. Ruiz Simo, M. J. Vicente Vacas

1302.0831 (C. Pena et al.)

Quantum mechanical model for J/psi suppression in the LHC era    [PDF]

C. Pena, D. Blaschke

Friday, February 1, 2013

0910.2229 (Tamar Friedmann)

No Radial Excitations in Low Energy QCD. I. Diquarks and Classification
of Mesons

Tamar Friedmann

1109.2982 (Zhiming Li et al.)

Statistical and dynamical fluctuations of Binder ratios in heavy ion

Zhiming Li, Fengbo Xiong, Yuanfang Wu

1301.7467 (K. Hebeler et al.)

Neutron matter based on consistently evolved chiral three-nucleon

K. Hebeler, R. J. Furnstahl

1301.7472 (D. Lonardoni et al.)

Role of the two- and three-body hyperon-nucleon interaction in

D. Lonardoni, S. Gandolfi, F. Pederiva

1301.7485 (S. Ohkubo)

Evidence of alpha particle condensation in $^{12}$C and $^{16}$O and
Nambu-Goldstone boson

S. Ohkubo

1301.7518 (Sh. Hamada et al.)

Observation of Airy minimum in elastic and inelastic scattering of
$^3$He from $^{12}$C at 50.5 and 60 MeV and alpha particle condensation in

Sh. Hamada, Y. Hirabayashi, N. Burtebayev, S. Ohkubo

1301.7539 (Wojciech Florkowski et al.)

Anisotropic hydrodynamics -- basic concepts    [PDF]

Wojciech Florkowski, Mauricio Martinez, Radoslaw Ryblewski, Michael Strickland

1301.7587 (J. McDonnell et al.)

Microscopic Description of Nuclear Fission: Fission Barrier Heights of
Even-Even Actinides

J. McDonnell, N. Schunck, W. Nazarewicz

1301.7645 (Chihiro Sasaki et al.)

Effective gluon potential and Yang-Mills thermodynamics    [PDF]

Chihiro Sasaki, Krzysztof Redlich