Monday, March 26, 2012

1203.5234 (N. Barnea et al.)

Realistic calculations of Kbar-N-N, Kbar-N-N-N, and Kbar-Kbar-N-N
quasibound states

N. Barnea, A. Gal, E. Z. Liverts
Binding energies and widths of three-body KbarNN, and of four-body KbarNNN and KbarKbarNN nuclear quasibound states are calculated in the hyperspherical basis, using realistic NN potentials and subthreshold energy dependent chiral KbarN interactions. Results of previous K^-pp calculations are reproduced and a shallow K^-d quasibound state is calculated for the first time. A self consistent handling of energy dependence is found to restrain binding, keeping the calculated four-body ground-state binding energies to relatively low values of about 30 MeV. The lightest strangeness -2 particle-stable Kbar nuclear cluster is most probably KbarKbarNN. The calculated Kbar N -> pi Y conversion widths range from approximately 30 MeV for the KbarNNN ground state to approximately 80 MeV for the KbarKbarNN ground state.
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