Thursday, March 14, 2013

1303.3178 (M. Ruggieri et al.)

Elliptic Flow from Nonequilibrium Color Glass Condensate Initial

M. Ruggieri, F. Scardina, S. Plumari, V. Greco
A current goal of relativistic heavy ion collisions experiments is the search for a Color Glass Condensate as the limiting state of QCD matter at very high density. In viscous hydrodynamics simulations, a standard Glauber initial condition leads to estimate $4\pi \eta/s \sim 1$, while a Color Glass Condensate modeling leads to at least a factor of 2 larger $\eta/s$. Within a kinetic theory approach based on a relativistic Boltzmann-like transport simulation, we point out that the out-of-equilibrium initial distribution proper of a Color Glass Condensate reduces the efficiency in building-up the elliptic flow. Our main result at RHIC energy is that the available data on $v_2$ are in agreement with a $4\pi \eta/s \sim 1$ also for Color Glass Condensate initial conditions, opening the possibility to describe self-consistently also higher order flow, otherwise significantly underestimated, and to pursue further the search for signatures of the Color Glass Condensate.
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