Monday, August 20, 2012

1102.0896 (Stefan Floerchinger et al.)

Efimov physics from the functional renormalization group    [PDF]

Stefan Floerchinger, Sergej Moroz, Richard Schmidt

1108.5535 (Stefan Floerchinger et al.)

Fluctuations around Bjorken Flow and the onset of turbulent phenomena    [PDF]

Stefan Floerchinger, Urs Achim Wiedemann

1112.4374 (Stefan Floerchinger)

Analytic continuation of functional renormalization group equations    [PDF]

Stefan Floerchinger

1208.3548 (Johan Bijnens et al.)

The hadronic light-by-light contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic
moment and renormalization group for EFT

Johan Bijnens, Mehran Zahiri Abyaneh

1208.3614 (A. Galoyan et al.)

Simulation of Light Antinucleus-Nucleus Interactions    [PDF]

A. Galoyan, V. Uzhinsky

1208.3618 (Pieter Vancraeyveld et al.)

Bayesian inference of the resonance content of p(gamma,K+)Lambda    [PDF]

Pieter Vancraeyveld, Lesley De Cruz, Jan Ryckebusch, Tom Vrancx

1208.3668 (Gerald A. Miller)

Color Transparency    [PDF]

Gerald A. Miller