Thursday, November 8, 2012

1211.1485 (Martin Hoferichter et al.)

Improved dispersive analysis of the scalar form factor of the nucleon    [PDF]

Martin Hoferichter, Christoph Ditsche, Bastian Kubis, Ulf-G. Meiß ner

1211.1503 (I. V. Danilkin et al.)

Photon-fusion reactions from the chiral Lagrangian with dynamical light
vector mesons

I. V. Danilkin, M. F. M. Lutz, S. Leupold, C. Terschlusen

1211.1523 (M. Martini et al.)

Energy reconstruction effects in neutrino oscillation experiments and
implications for the analysis

M. Martini, M. Ericson, G. Chanfray

1211.1570 (Longgang Pang et al.)

Effect of longitudinal fluctuation in event-by-event (3+1)D

Longgang Pang, Qun Wang, Xin-Nian Wang

1211.1619 (O. W. Greenberg et al.)

N-quantum calculation of the hydrogen atom with one-photon exchange    [PDF]

O. W. Greenberg, Steve Cowen

1211.1649 (P. -G. Reinhard et al.)

Information content of the low-energy electric dipole strength:
correlation analysis

P. -G. Reinhard, W. Nazarewicz

1211.1653 (Joseph Power et al.)

Accuracy of a new hybrid finite element method for solving a scattering
Schroedinger equation

Joseph Power, George Rawitscher