Wednesday, July 24, 2013

1307.6130 (Hugo Marrochio et al.)

Solutions of Conformal Israel-Stewart Relativistic Viscous Fluid

Hugo Marrochio, Jorge Noronha, Gabriel S. Denicol, Matthew Luzum, Sangyong Jeon, Charles Gale

1307.5947 (E. J. Ferrer et al.)

Anomalous-Magnetic-Moment Effects in a Strongly Magnetized and Dense

E. J. Ferrer, V de la Incera, D. Manreza Paret, A. Pérez Martínez

1307.6019 (Julien Serreau et al.)

Covariant gauges without Gribov ambiguities in Yang-Mills theories    [PDF]

Julien Serreau, Matthieu Tissier, Andréas Tresmontant

1307.6056 (Antonin Portelli)

Review on the inclusion of isospin breaking effects in lattice

Antonin Portelli

1307.6106 (Yannis Burnier et al.)

A novel Bayesian approach to spectral function reconstruction    [PDF]

Yannis Burnier, Alexander Rothkopf

1307.6168 (Adam Bzdak et al.)

Decisive test of color coherence in proton-nucleus collisions at the LHC    [PDF]

Adam Bzdak, Vladimir Skokov

1307.6187 (A. A. Filin et al.)

Pion production in nucleon-nucleon collisions in chiral effective field
theory with Delta(1232)-degrees of freedom

A. A. Filin, V. Baru, E. Epelbaum, C. Hanhart, H. Krebs, F. Myhrer

1307.6190 (Tobias Fischer et al.)

Symmetry energy impact in simulations of core-collapse supernovae    [PDF]

Tobias Fischer, Matthias Hempel, Irina Sagert, Yudai Suwa, Jürgen Schaffner-Bielich