Friday, February 24, 2012

1202.5113 (S. Schramm et al.)

Structure and Cooling of Neutron and Hybrid Stars    [PDF]

S. Schramm, V. Dexheimer, R. Negreiros, T. Schürhoff, J. Steinheimer
The study of neutron stars is a topic of central interest in the
investigation of the properties of strongly compressed hadronic matter. Whereas
in heavy-ion collisions the fireball, created in the collision zone, contains
very hot matter, with varying density depending on the beam energy, neutron
stars largely sample the region of cold and dense matter with the exception of
the very short time period of the existence of the proto-neutron star.
Therefore, neutron star physics, in addition to its general importance in
astrophysics, is a crucial complement to heavy-ion physics in the study of
strongly interacting matter. In the following, model approaches will be
introduced to calculate properties of neutron stars that incorporate baryons
and quarks. These approaches are also able to describe the state of matter over
a wide range of temperatures and densities, which is essential if one wants to
connect and correlate star observables and results from heavy-ion collisions.
The effect of exotic particles and quark cores on neutron star properties will
be considered. In addition to the gross properties of the stars like their
masses and radii their expected inner composition is quite sensitive to the
models used. The effect of the composition can be studied through the analysis
of the cooling curve of the star. In addition, we consider the effect of
rotation, as in this case the particle composition of the star can be modified
quite drastically.
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