Friday, March 23, 2012

1203.5013 (M. Kowal et al.)

Ground State and Saddle Point: masses and deformations for even-even
superheavy nuclei with 98 < Z < 126 and 134< N < 192

M. Kowal, P. Jachimowicz, J. Skalski
We determine ground-state and saddle-point shapes and masses of even-even superheavy nuclei in the range of proton numbers $98\leq Z \leq 126$ and neutron numbers $134\leq N \leq 192$. Our study is performed within the microscopic-macroscopic method. The Strutinsky shell and pairing correction is calculated for the deformed Woods-Saxon single-particle potential and the Yukawa-plus-exponential energy is taken as a smooth part. We use parameters of the model that were fitted previously to this region of nuclei. A high-dimensional deformation space, including nonaxial and reflection-asymmetric shapes, is used in the search for saddle points. Both ground-state and saddle-point shapes are found with the aid of the minimization procedure, with dynamical programming technique of search for saddle points. The results are collected in two tables. Calculated ground-state mass-excess, $Q_{\alpha $ energies, total and macroscopic energies normalized to the macroscopic energy at the spherical shape, shell corrections (including pairing) and deformations are given for each nucleus in the table one. The second table gives the same properties, but at the saddle-point configuration. The obtained results are discussed and compared with available experimental data for alpha-decay energies ($Q_{\alpha}$) and ground-state masses.
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