Monday, June 25, 2012

1109.6575 (B. D. Keister et al.)

Model tests of cluster separability in relativistic quantum mechanics    [PDF]

B. D. Keister, W. N. Polyzou
A relativistically invariant quantum theory first advanced by Bakamjian and Thomas has proven very useful in modeling few-body systems. For three particles or more, this approach is known formally to fail the constraint of cluster separability, whereby symmetries and conservation laws that hold for a system of particles also hold for isolated subsystems. Cluster separability can be restored by means of a recursive construction using unitary transformations, but implementation is difficult in practice, and the quantitative extent to which the Bakamjian-Thomas approach violates cluster separability has never been tested. This paper provides such a test by means of a model of a scalar probe in a three-particle system for which (1) it is simple enough that there is a straightforward solution that satisfies Poincar\'e invariance and cluster separability, and (2) one can also apply the Bakamjian-Thomas approach. The difference between these calculations provides a measure of the size of the corrections from the Sokolov construction that are needed to restore cluster properties. Our estimates suggest that, in models based on nucleon degrees of freedom, the corrections that restore cluster properties are too small to effect calculations of observables.
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