Bo Zhou, Y. Funaki, H. Horiuchi, Zhongzhou Ren, G. Röpke, P. Schuck, A. Tohsaki, Chang Xu, T. Yamada
It is shown that an angular momentum projected version of the THSR wave function, successful in its original form for the description of, e.g., the famous Hoyle state, has astounding properties also for the explanation of more compact cluster states like 20Ne in its ground state and corresponding rotational bands. It is shown that these single angular momentum projected THSR wave functions can accurately describe the famous inversion doublet bands in 20Ne, especially the K^\pi=0^- band. For instance, they have 99.98% and 99.87% squared overlaps, for 1^- and 3^- states, respectively, with the corresponding exact solutions of alpha + 16O RGM (Resonating Group Method). This finding sheds a completely new light on the physics of low energy nuclear cluster states in general: the clusters are non-localised filling the whole nuclear volume besides the one of mutual overlap where their probability of presence is strongly reduced.
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